
What are some obstacles to getting water-filtration devices to the people that needed them?

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What are some obstacles to getting water-filtration devices to the people that needed them?




  1. Why would you want to filter out all those killer chemicals that the Government spends so much orf our money to put in? Besides our food that is a good way to inter toxic chemicals and brain washing chemicals into our bodies. Sorry the Government wants you to drink the water.

  2. I suppose that would depend on where your thinking of sending them.  If it is overseas then you probably would need to contact a local organization in that area, one you could trust and talk to them about it....

    What kind of filter systems are you discussing.  :)

  3. Clean water?  You want CLEAN WATER??

    How can you be so selfish when the temperature is up half a degree in less than 150 years?!?!!?

    Things like water pollution, air pollution, soil contamination, etc. just need to take a back seat.

  4. Internal strife is the biggest obstacle. Warring groupss trying to make life miserable for everyone.

  5. Yeah you wouldn't think it would take that much. Its not rocket science to have filtered water.  You found a cause now knock on the right doors. Like US filters/Siemens get them involved?

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