
What are some occupying things to do on a long airplane ride?

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Alright, so I am leaving around 5 am, and getting to my destination around 8pm, that's with the fact that i'm substracting 9 hours when i get to my destination. I fly a lot, and usually end up not doing anything fun, and get really bored because i never end up sleeping. Sleeping on a plane, is something I was never able to do. Reading also, is impossible for me. What are some fun occupying things I could do that would distract the time, like play cards (if so what games?) I don't have a laptop to bring, or a portable dvd player. I am bringing my Ipod, but am not sure what else to do.. help?




  1. why is reading impossible?

    try watching the clouds, and watching the landscapes and seascapes below you.

    try meditation

    maybe if you can't read you could try writing a book

    getting drunk is another option

    try to join the mile high club

  2. In comparison to laptops, a PDA can be really affordable, and I don't leave home without mine!  For a more expensive model, you can get wireless internet, which is great when you're sitting at the airport...  Most of them have word processing, you can add as many games and applications as you want...

    I do crossword puzzles and/or puzzle books.  They are great at passing the time.  You said reading is impossible - but are you able to read?  I mean, can you read?  Because if you can, maybe you don't enjoy it because you haven't found anything that fits your interests.  I am not a big reader, but when I find a book that I really like I can't put it down!  I absolutely love Augusten Burroughs - his books are just so awesome, and I'm so able to relate to every word, that I just get soaked up in the story.  Think of something you're interested in, and search - there are books about EVERYTHING!  And you also have an iPod, so you could do an audio-book and download it right to it.

  3. read a book!

  4. The Ipod is good. Ask your friends if they have any portable DVD players, or portable game systems. My brother borrowed my Nintendo DS and said he had fun with it for five hours or so. : D

    You could also buy one of those Sudoku books or whatever. Or any puzzle books. =]

    Goodluck, and have a safe flight! : D

  5. I hate travelling! I get so bored on the plane, I actually look forward to turbulence. lol!

    I borrowed a Nintendo DS and played games. Also brought a puzzle book, one with many different types of puzzles to try to do.  I downloaded a book onto my ipod to listen to it instead of just music. And I brought a lot of snacks!!!

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