
What are some of China's traditional customs?

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What are some of China's traditional customs?




  1. one that i found out was when someone is about to leave always stand up and walk them out it is offensive if you dont...i learnt this the hard way my sister in law is chinese and her parents were upset.... cos i sat down and said see ya later...

  2. thanking for something they put the right hand fist into the left hand and make this gesture with a bow

  3. I'm Korean-Chinese, but i still practise Chinese traditional practices though i live in Singapore. Some of them include:

    - If eating together , you must wait for the elders to start eating before you do/ Or you have to say something like ' Auntie, eat'. It sounds unecessary but it's a form of respect

    - Young people are not supposed to interrupt the adults.

    -The young people cannot express their views in front of their elders. It's deemed to be rude.

    - After eating, you are expected to bring your own bowl to the sink. It'll be better if you could wash it yourself, but it's not necessary.

    - When meeting someone on the streets, you supposed to smile and say' Have you eaten?' instead of 'Hello'. It's reccommeded to do the first one.

    There are many many more, and i can't list all of them here. It's impossible. Go search on the internet for it.  

  4. don't kiss with your good friends,you shouldn't kiss with sb if there hava a lot of people,and i'm sorry my english have a little problem

  5. the real traditional customs , you can't see them at all. china has lose it long ago

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