
What are some of Coca Cola's trade barriers, Cultural considerations, Natural Resources, Intellectual Capital

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and literacy levels?




  1. Trade barriers are relatively few, though they are prohibited from selling in places the US has embargoed, such as Cuba or Iran.

    A cultural consideration is that they are, for better or worse, a symbol of America and globalization.  In places where American products and globalization have a high opinion, they can use this to their advantage.  In places where America is despised, however, they have to try to distance themselves from America.  Other considerations would be that in some places, other forms of beverages are preferred.  For example, in Japan coffee and tea are more popular, so they market their brand of tea more heavily.

    The most important natural resource they use is water, and they have come under criticism for using so much in places where it's scarce.

    Intellectual capital is the ingredients in their different products.

    Not entirely sure what you mean by literacy levels, but they are able to deal with varying levels of literacy among consumers by having a well-known, distinctive logo.

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