
What are some of maditory votings downsides???

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  1. Here is an example.  I worked for a hotel that employed only Mexicans for their housekeeping staff.  They treated these people horribly with long grueling hours, few breaks and room cleaning quotas.  For those who were illegal, they threatened them with deportation and firing.  The legal workers did not know their rights and allowed the abuse upon themselves as well due to fear of being fired.  When election season came along the union hired a bus to take the workers who were registered to vote to the polls with a voting list in hand.  On the list were the candidates the company told them to vote for.  Now, based on the fact that these people already lived in a daily fear of losing their jobs, they felt it was mandatory they vote according to orders.  

    This is only one example of mandatory voting.

  2. it is happened everwhere.

  3. The idea that a country's government should be able to punish the citizens who created it, for not voting, shows an upside-down view of why free men form governments.

    Recall what F Kafka said after his (Hungarian) government complained about a large number of abstentions at a (rigged) election: "Maybe the government should elect a new people?"

    Voting is only made manditory once it becomes worthless.

  4. Voting is a privilege that we choose to exercise.   If they demand voting, is demanding who we vote for next?

  5. I personally believe that you should vote only if you know the facts. If you have people blindly going out and voting for a peron because you like the name. Thats not fair to other americans who want there voices heard for the right reason. Luckily the parties are at least trying to help educate us on the people. I just don't want some air head saying I'm voting for Sen. Huckabee cause he has a funny last name

  6. You should never vote when you are mad! It only causes bad decisions.

    If you are looking for the downside of MANDATORY voting I would think the downside would be all the idiots who don't care and are not smart enough to cast a vote would be compelled to vote. There is a large slice of society that should not vote. Just because more people vote does not make the decision  better or more valid.

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