
What are some of men's greatest contributions, inventions and discoveries?

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In honor of Father's Day

Through out history men have done, create, invented and discover many great things; I mean, it is almost impossible to list all the great things that men have done.

What, in your opinion, are some of men's greatest contributions, inventions and discoveries through out the history of the human race? What are some your favorites?




  1. Alot of things... s**y stuff..

  2. TAMPONS!! and the Birth Control Pill.

  3. Fire, wheels and scissors.

    Simple, I know, but life is impossible without them. I don't know who got the first two, but Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors.

  4. Pretty much EVERYTHING I can think of.. haha

  5. computers, planes, beer(one of my personal faves), and many, many other things.

  6. Life's simple pleasure's.  So I'm gonna go with guns, beer, and the crapper.

  7. Half of these answers are insulting they're so dismissive of any actual value in this question. Scissors?

    Alright. Let's see. I'm going to pick things that I think MEN are specifically good at since we're celebrating MEN.

    People are going to get pissed and give me thumb downs cause this isn't PC, but I don't give a rat's ***, cause I'm right.

    Before I start, I want to say that I think men and women are equal, but different. It's important to remember that ultimately, we're the same. We feel the same, we want the same things, etc. We're all human beings. BUT there are differences, and these differences need to be cherished and valued. I value womens' contributions to the world. My best friend is a woman. I hope to marry (a woman) some day. Women rock.

    But, alas, here comes the controversial statement; so do men. And there are things men can do that women can't. The first thing I want to get out of the way before I go on, is the differences in intelligence between men and women. The two genders on the whole are equally intelligent. Any statistical one and a half point difference in favor of males on IQ tests is reflective of outside factors more than intelligence. However, the spread of intelligence is important to understand. (I'm getting there, I know I know.) Men are far more likely to be at the bottom of the intelligence spectrum. Basically, the idiots and the, with all due respect, mentally retarded. However, they are also far more likely to be in the very top. Unless scientific breakthroughs allow us to change our human makeup (in which case we'd cease to be entirely human, in my opinion) men will always be the brightest. It doesn't mean women can't be bright, or won't be at the top. It simply means that those incredible geniuses are men. If you don't like it, tough. Let men have something for a change.

    Now, with this established, let's look at people like Leonardo Divinci who could write upside down and backwards. Or people like Napoleon. (Whether or not you 'like' him is a non-issue. For the record, I'm not a raving fan.) Or people like John Nash, the mathematician.

    I guess a good example is mathematics, which is probably the greatest strength men have. A lot of the medicinal breakthroughs of today are thanks to the mathematical findings of men. That is one example of a man's great contribution. Without his mathematical mind, a lot of the surviving cancer patients of today (like my mom) would not be alive. Thank you, men.

    All of the mathematical findings for men that don't have practical uses yet no doubt will in a decade or two in ways we possibly can't even imagine. As the world becomes more and more technologically advanced, it'll be men who do the mathematics and hard science at the level needed to progress.

    Things like Google, the search engine, were founded by men. (Two men at Stanford)

    I'm trying to focus on things that I think, on the whole, only men will be able to do. I could easily go on and on and on and on about the accomplishments of men, but most of them could have been done by women. Archimedes s***w? A woman could have done that just fine. Telephone? Women can do that also. Feynman and Planck's breakthroughs in physics? I'm not convinced. There will be a few women, but on the whole it belongs to men. Men are simply better at it.

    So, men do a lot of bad things in the world, but they do a lot of good too. Thank you men.

  8. The plane. Then it was ruined by the airliners.

  9. The greatest invention is the atomic bomb. Those countries that have one have a higher bargaining factor in the UN and the world politics in general.

  10. Y! Answers! and beer!

  11. Pasta!  Okay, no one really knows where pasta originated but it is great.

    As a first grade teacher who is teaching up and coming Kindergartners this Summer, I have to say Kindergarten, which was invented by Friedrich Froebel.  They make so much progress within this one year.  I also have to give credit to the Kindergarten teachers.  They are saints.

  12. The wheel and electricity. What more could you want?

  13. The car!

    wait, have women even made anything useful?

  14. God created man and as god is male, then I suppose it's us :-D

  15. computers, planes,air conditioning,food preservation

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