
What are some of the benefits of traveling alone?

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I love to traveling and exploring countries that I have never been to! Thing is Ive never done it alone.

Whats it like traveling alone in a completely foreign land without knowing anybody?

I was thinking of staying in a hostel and meeting people as I travel, what do you think?




  1. i think travelling alone isnt fun at all u feel like lost . but u have many memories with ur friends even if u were lost u are group share laugh , food , drink ...................... its FUN

  2. It's a great experience. You get to do exactly what you want to do, set your own schedule, and be completely free of anyone else's wishes, issues and temperament :)  It also forces you to meet people when traveling and you'll make new friends that way. Hostelling is a great way to travel.

    Also, when traveling alone always bring a book/journal with you wherever you go.

    Happy trails!

  3. Traveling alone gives you tons of flexibility.  You can do whatever you want to and there is not there to ask.

  4. I have been traveling alone for awhile now. I find it to be the best way to travel.  I traveled alone for 4mo in Europe and I can honestly tell you I didnt feel like I was traveling alone though.

    I stayed in Hostels and that is how i met everyone.  Its the best place to meet people.  Plus when you are alone, its easier for other people to come up to you and talk to you, b/c they dont have to fight for attn w/ the other person.

    plus, when you are alone, you get to do whatever  you want, whenever you want.  I learned that when I traveled once with a friend and it was hard to find an easy way to do what we both wanted to do.... so traveling alone is good for that.

    Plus, like i said, you will meet so many people at hostels and you will end up traveling with them, and then you guys part ways, get each others contact, and then meet more people... and do the samething. I have traveled with people i met at hostels for a few days all the way up to a month one of person, and then ended up parting ways, but have kept in touch since then, and that was two years ago, and went on vacation last year to Asia together, it was fun, but like i said, i wasnt able to do what I wanted to do, had to find the middle ground... so go ahead, just have fun!

    Its definetaly weird traveling alone in another country and you dont speak the language, but at the sametime, you get o learn more about yourself, and I think thats a good way to do that... you get to see how far you can go without freaking out or see what scares you, what motivates you, how you deal with just yourself.  I learned that i actually didnt mind being by myself, get away from people and just clear your mind....

    I would highly recommand people to do that, esp those that always like to have someone around... lots of people have to always be with someone and can't stand to be alone, so I think its a great way to have those people learn to be alone, and find themselves...

    good luck on your journey ahead of you, its amazing and can't wait to do it again in a few months...

    You'll be just fine and you'll meet so many people you wont ever feel alone!

  5. I would be travelling to Europe alone soon and I'm excited to be away from work for one whole month. I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of people and experiencing the best vacation ever. I want some adrenaline rush...and just do things I normally would not do coz of fear of ruining my reputation in my hometown. I think you should be as excited as I am. Live life to the fullest coz you cannot turn back time.

  6. That´s probably the best way to travel.

    Take your chance now when you can..

  7. I think is the greatest way to travel. You are not influenced by anybody, can choose what to do or not to, are really open to the country you visit and its people. Go for it!!!

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