
What are some of the best New Zealand brands you can think of?

by Guest62833  |  earlier

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Any consumer items, wine, clothes, food, cosmetics etc. I'm trying to use them in a marketing paper.




  1. canterbury is deffently the best one

    then there is sum marino wool one but i cant rememba its nme

  2. Central Otago make some first class white wines. Yummy

    Also canterbury clothes.

    Not to mention we breed really good rugby players and yachties.

    Mainland cheese and tip top ice cream as well.

    Good luck with the paper.

  3. Steinlager, Norsewear clothing, Whitlocks sauces, Watties, Anchor dairy products, Chesdale cheese, Perreaux amplifiers, Macs beers, Fisher and Paykel appliances, Montana wines,

  4. CCC, 42 Below is a strong brand at the moment, Zespri, Fisher and Paykel, Michael Hill Jeweller, the Mad Butcher and associated products, Anchor, Mainland, Air New Zealand, Tui, Tip Top (basically all the Fonterra brands actually), NZ beef and lamb, Charlies, The Warehouse, Telecom, Corbans, Kathmandu, Whittakers.

    Hope this helps.

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