
What are some of the best high schools in Miami, FL

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I might be moving to Miami and need to know what the best high schools are. What makes them good? I want them to have good academics, good teacher, a lot of clubs and extracurriculars, etc. Also if you could tell me what the bad schools are and why that would be great. Thank you!




  1. i can tell you now that Plantation and South Plantation are not the nicest schools. Stoneman Douglas is like the best public school but it's in Parkland.  Make sure that you know Spanish fluently cuz everyone down her speaks it.  

  2. The above answers are good. If you are looking for alternatives to public school, however, here are other considerations that may work for you:

    Schools with religious affiliations offer a great value. They are not as expensive as private schools but they offer a high-quality education and a smaller, more community-oriented environment than public schools. I am most familiar with the Catholic education, you can find Lourdes and Carrolton for girls or Belen and Columbus for boys.

    Elite Private Schools: The two best private schools are Gulliver and Ransom, but they are Very expensive.  


    look at them all

    i recomend


    COral Park Senior high,

    Felix Varela,

    G. HOlmes Braddock,


    John A. Ferguson

    if you come to Southwest youll have a friend:D

    as for BAD schools;

    avoid Homestead High,

    American High,

    Miami High,


    South Dade,

    Hialeah[they only speak spanish]

    carol city,

    and central


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