
What are some of the best ice hockey sticks?

by  |  earlier

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There are so many. Id like to keep it around $100-150.




  1. It's personal preference as to which stick you like.  There are plenty of composites from all different companies within your budget.  Go to a store and try some out.

  2. I suggest looking for an NHL player (or a few players)  about your size and playing your position, and see what stick they use.  Players get to test everything out there, and they pick what's best for them.

    I never played anything but drop-in, but I loved my Louisville Ron Francis stick.

  3. I don't know the exact models but bauer supreme and vapor are both pretty good sticks.

  4. if you're looking for a good affordable stick, look for last years top of the line stick. some good websites would be and try to stay away from the sl because the blade tends to get weak easily from my experience.

  5. Find a shaft you like, such as the Sherwood RM19 or Easton Ultra Lite, and get a couple blades for it.

  6. vapor is awesome good hockey stick actually great hockey stick

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