
What are some of the best lessons life has taught you?

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What are some of the best lessons life has taught you?




  1. trust no one.

  2. Not to hold on to the past but live for the future.

  3. Stay cool when others around you go wild. Don't loose your temper and avoid violence.

  4. nothing comes easy, you really have to pay the price.

  5. Be truthful to yourself before others, be truthful to others also as that too is equally important!

    Be honest to yourself and therefore honest to others, as they do not wish you to be any other way!

    Take time to think, about your actions, deeds, thoughts and intents!

    Love what you see in the mirror, as that is how you were made and will always be!

    Allow others to be who they are, and who they will always be!

    Enjoy the company of friends and enemies, in equal measures and thank them for being who they are.

    Learn from them!

    Love and treasure your children and their children and their children's children, allow them their faults and sucesses! as you helped them into life, and shaped who they have become and yet to become!

  6. that no matter how much you care about someone they'll end up hurting you in the end.

    so pretty much everyone will s***w you over sooner or later.

  7. Avoid mistakes.

  8. Life isn't perfect. The human race is deterirating. If you want something doing, do it yourself. Nobody in the world is perfect even though alot of people think they are.

  9. Say 'I don't know' when you really don't know.

    If you feel blissfully happy watch out, you're either on drugs, completely out of it, or someone's trying to sell you something.

    We're all just people, fallible f'd up human beings.  Nobody's really better or worse than anyone else.  We've just been through different things.

    We don't have absolute truths, just fuzzy, relative and personal truths and faith.

  10. treat others how you would like to be treated

  11. It's a dog eat dog world

    Only the strong survive

  12. i have learnt that a smile is so simple to do.

    and makes other people smile too.

  13. never eat yellow snow, dont go totally starkers in the sun it hurts later, always look at your girlfriends mother so you know what to expect in years to come, marriage is a life sentence and murder is only 25 years (the good old british justice system eh).

    but seriously treat others how you want to be treated, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, live each day as if its your last coz you never know it could be tomorrow, never put off til tomorrow what you can do today if you enjoy it you can do it again tomorrow.

  14. what you do today effects what happens tomorrow

  15. to be true to yourself =]

  16. Like do not trust no one for the start. But you always end up trusting wrong people. Then again everything in moderation is fine, anything OTT is no good.

                   I would also say, don't become victim of your own mistakes, because that worst thing about falling on your own back.

    Just learn from them and move on. I know people don't care about others these day as much they care about there own butt. But being loyal and honest would give you self respect, rather then being self indulgent.

  17. honesty for my responsibility and hard work and leave rest of thing on god sake

  18. Never expect other people to act a certain way - you'll only be disappointed.

  19. Beware of being an enabler.  Set boundaries.

    About the only thing you have some control over is your attitude; don't let the small bumps in the road upset you.

    Look after your body, you won't get another.

    Keep your word.

  20. To love

  21. To be patient and tolerant of others faults and to listen.

  22. Don't be to nice or people will walk all over you and trust nobody.

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