
What are some of the best paid unskilled jobs, if you want a stepping stone job between a change of careers?

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What are some of the best paid unskilled jobs, if you want a stepping stone job between a change of careers?




  1. Airport work soing shitft, im an engineer, my gf works at airport and earns more than me..... It sucks so much tht im thinking of a career change, engineering sucks.

    Or taxi driver, Drug dealer :P pays real good and is great fun.

    But yeah shift work man it pays hella good

  2. Entry level auto plants. Average $15 an hour.

  3. what job requires no skill(s) ?  i don't know, or have never quite fully understood that term 'unskilled'.

    I'm not having a go at you mate, just wondering now what I can suggest in my answer because If I say 'Plumber' (they make BLOODY good money...)  Plumbers will tell you they are far from 'unskilled'.

    Likewise, would a road worker (who lays out tarmac, repairs drainage etc) be considered unskilled ?

    gosh I really am stumped now - sorry I couldn't quite answer your question. Perhaps you can shed some light into what you meant by 'unskilled jobs' , then I might be able to answer this using 'edit' .

    lol.....JUUUUST before I hit submit,    it occured to me.

    Tarrot Card reader

    Fortune Teller


    to me those are fraudulant jobs, but those con artists make $$$.

    remember Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost ? :-D

    psst give one of em a go , you could get rich.

    set up shop somewhere in Margate down at the beach, loads of idiots pay £5 for you to tell them theyre 'going to become millionaires within 10 years' lol.

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