
What are some of the best paying jobs that doesnt have to do with computers??

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please please please HELP!!!!! =]




  1. Military contractor in Iraq

    Oil worker at offshore platform

    Master Diesel mechanic

  2. What are you serious?! and the other guy who answered?! are you kidding? virtually every job HAS to do with computers nowadays. whether it's a job that focuses on computers or one that uses computers, THEY ALL NEED COMPUTERS!! Doctors?! well they have to make reports and type stuff up right? and plus all those big machines (mri, etc) are hooked up to computers which run special software to enable them to process medical data. AND LAWYERS!!? WORD IS THEIR BEST FRIEND!!!

  3. sales people make good money.

    My neighbor Mr. B. sold expensive boats to rich people. Luxury car sales people do all right.

    You need to like helping people decide on which model. If you do, sales is the way to go.

  4. This is kind of like asking "what are the best paying jobs that don't have anything to do with manual labor?"

    Way to many variables and there is such a broad payscale involved that it makes the question practically impossible to answer.

    Someone working at McDonalds could make more than an general PC tech or a small computer service business owner. While say a network security specialist may make more than many a doctor or lawyer and an Alaskan crab fisherman could still make more than the computer guy.

  5. Lawyers then Doctors.

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