
What are some of the best schools to transfer out of Georgia Tech for engineering?

by Guest45362  |  earlier

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I am probably going to be either a industrial or mechanical engineer

I want a transfer into a great engineering school that actually has a good transfer rate/great ranked overall

I am a freshmen now and I wouldn't mind transfer for spring term or next year fall





  1. If you know you want engineering, the Colorado School of Mines is awesome. It's in Golden, CO and I love it. Lots of outdoor activities and clubs. Starting salaries are usually 60-70k. It's pretty small but I think it's nice because then you know a lot of the people that are in your class. We consider ourselves comparable to MIT for education standards but I've never been to MIT so I don't know.

  2. Are you at Tech and want to go somewhere else?  I thought they had a good engineering program.

    Clemson has good IE and ME programs; USC has a good ME program.

    Make sure you pick a program that is ABET accredited - it will help a lot should you decide to become a licensed professional engineer (PE) later in your career.

  3. Might as well rep Penn State.  They have a good IE program, and their ME isn't too shabby either.  Two of my buddy's did their undergrad @ PSU, and then went to Georgia Tech for their masters in ME.  

    Good Luck

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