
What are some of the best ways to save on gas?

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  1. Here are a few tips that will deliver real results:  plan your errands to minimize drive time and distance.  Try to accelerate slowly, it is more efficient.  Anticipate stops and coast longer.  When on the freeway, reduce your speed 10% or so.  Keep your car running correctly with good maintenance.  Keep your tires properly inflated.  All of this will help.

  2. Now adays there are a million techniques to save gas.  But here are the major 3 that people overlook.

    1) Tires - Properly inflated tires will increase gas mileage by 5-10%

    2) Slowing Down on the Freeway - Your car has to work extra hard to stay at 75 MPG compared to 65 MPH or even less. The slower yoou drive the better you MPG will be.

    3) Do not drive aggressively - punching the gas everytime will definately decrease MPG in a hurry.

    P.S. Take out all the unnecessary weight in your car....meaning clean out your trunk!

    I have 2 blogs devoted to gasmileage...check em out!

  3. stay home

  4. Drive a diesel and burn WVO.

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