
What are some of the big diferances between rugby and football???

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What are some of the big diferances between rugby and football???




  1. There are 2 Major differences: Blocking and the Forward pass.

    In Rugby (both Union and League) it is illegal to be in front of a team-mate who has the ball. In Football it is encouraged.

    When you are in front of your team-mate you are able to Block, that is physically push any potential tacklers away.

    Also while in front of your team-mate you are able to receive a forward pass. Something which is illegal in Rugby.

    Also in Rugby Union once tackled the ball-carrier has to release the ball and anyone can contest for it. Both Rugby League and North American Football allow the team of the tackled player to retain possession and run another play. These 2nd phase attempts are known as "downs" in North American Football. In the Canada (CFL) a team gets 3 downs, In the United States (NFL) they get 4. If after 4 downs if they have not gone ten yards their opponent gets possession of the ball.

    In Rugby you only get hit if you have the ball or are contesting for the ball. In North American Football the ball could be 40 meters away and it would be perfectly legal for someone to flatten you with a block provided they hit you in the front of your body.

    In terms of playing these Sports, Rugby Union Football is a vastly better game. Everyone gets the ball, anyone can score and the action is fantastic. But , if I'm going to sit on the couch with a beer and watch, give me the NFL. A great spectator sport.

  2. Safety is one big difference; the injury rates are actually substantially higher in football than in rugby.

    If you switch, know that tackling style has to change. Rugby players, unlike football players, don't "drive thru the numbers." You have to get low and tackle at the waist to get a good tackle in when you play rugby.

  3. in rugby the players respect the refs decisions...if not they get a 10 metre penalty or 10 mins in the sin bin,whilst in football the players don't respect anybody.....

    In rugby the fans of both teams stand or sit side by side,have a beer,talk, football the fans of both teams are separated by a long line of stewards in the ground and no beer is allowed....

    in rugby when the game has finished,you leave the ground,just like every other supporter...get in the car,get on the bus,walk,and that's the end of football when the game has finished,if your the away team,you have to wait till the other set of fans have left...then you get a police escort back to your coach,and then hope against hope it doesn't have it's windows put through on the way home....

    you always see a score in rugby and there's always plenty to talk about football your not guaranteed a score and what can you talk about in a o-o draw?

  4. In rugby there are more set pieces e.g. a ruck (where the tackled player places the ball back and his team members bind up and "ruck" the other team away in order to keep possession). a maul is the same except standing up and you get tore into the other team to win the ball. Lineouts, two players pick up usually the tallest player in order to win the ball. So the set pieces are very different. You can only pass backwards to your team and can use your hands. You can kick for point as well as putting the ball down behind them for more points. You tackle with your hands and body NOT your feet. If you dribble the ball it's considered a "knock-on" and you get penalised for this. The game length is 80mins long and there is no injury/stoppage time as when there is a break the clock is stopped...=]

  5. in rugby i dont think they even have the pads and equiptment foot ball players get

  6. Beside the helmets and pads, you can not pass forward (only backwards), clock is always moving (not like NFL clock), the ball is bigger (No 5) than the football, to score you have to place the ball on the try zone, not just walk in… etc.

  7. Rugby you must only pass back towards your line unless its a kick. Rugby baals are egg shaped. Rugby players are allowed to pick the ball up and run into other players. etc etc

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