
What are some of the big time rulers in ireland they can be dead i dont care?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Gerry Adams, leader of Sinn Fein and a modern-day peacemaker.

  2. Eamon de Valera is a good recent example. He was Taoiseach and President during the mid 20th century. He was also heavily involved with the establishment of the Free State and the Republic, and steered the country quite well through World War II.

    Rulers in Ireland who weren't even Irish could include a lot of English or British monarchs, don't forget.

  3. Brian Boru was one of them. I only remember this because my name is Brian. I picked up some information on him from wikipedia.

    The descendants of High King of Ireland Brian Boru were known as the Ua Brian (O'Brien) clan, hence the surnames O'Brien, O'Brian, Ó Briain, etc. "O" was originally Ó which in turn came from Ua (originally hUa), which means "grandson", or "descendant" of a named person. The prefix is often incorrectly written as O', using an English apostrophe instead of the Irish fada mark.

    The term the Brian Boru is also used to refer to the Brian Boru harp, the national symbol of the Republic of Ireland which appears on the back of Irish euro currency (ironically, the harp also appears on the Leinster flag, even though Brian Boru was from Munster). Brian Boru's harp is also the symbol of Guinness stout.

    I found a list of Irish kings at wikipedia.

  4. Cormac mac Airt. He was one of the great High Kings of Ireland. The measure of how good a High King was was the success of Ireland during the time of his reign. If the king was a good and rightful king, all would be well. During Cormac's reign there were rivers of milk and honey, the fish would jump from the stream into your hand, cattle and livestock abounded, and every man had sufficient to his requirements. It was a time of great song, poetry and hospitality, and great heroes

    Ah.. those were the days

  5. Queen Maeve of Connaught. Always nice to have a female in the list of rulers.

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