
What are some of the biggest <span title="character/storyline/gimmick">character/storyline/gimmi...</span> rip offs currently?

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Is TNA shooting itself in the foot by signing more WWE releases rather than young talent who they can develop to carry their show? Who was the last non-WWE wrestler that they signed? Does TNA or WWE rip off stuff more?




  1. Both shows rip off things but TNA does it more, like the names of ther PPVs, feast or fired, and other things the biggest bein Jay Lethal being Randy Savage or Stone Cold Shark Boy

  2. TNA sucks. WWE is 10 times better. If you like TNA and hate WWE... Then that makes no sense because TNA gets EVERYTHING from the WWE. It&#039;s garbage. TNA is a rip-off.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  3. It doesn&#039;t matter who&#039;s a bigger ripoff. Both WWE and TNA use recycled storylines. Wrestling promotions have done it for years. And just so you know, WWE&#039;s roster has old wrestlers, too. To the person above who said TNA is a ripoff, that person has been brainwashed by WWE to think that watching anything that&#039;s not WWE is satanic. That person is weak.

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