
What are some of the diff. forms deviance that you notice in school? in community?

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What are some of the diff. forms deviance that you notice in school? in community?




  1. Looking at it from a Marxist point of view from, for example the study from Paul Willis "Learning to Labour" 1977, where 12 "lads" did not value education so rebelled against it, acted defiantly, distrusted classes any way they could.  The explanation which Willis come up with was quite simple: education acted as an ideological smoke screen of the economic base...

    Internationalists, such as Becker, looked at it more on a one on one basis, where teachers by labelling their students into three different categories had three different behaviour sets and test results on the most part, for example it would be more likely that a working class student would be seen as more deviant when compared to a middle class student - even if they were behaving similarly.

    It is not necessary students behaving  outright deviant, it is often how their reactions are interrupted by the teachers, etc.

  2. This is a very general questions so I'll only be able to give a general answer.  I'll give it a shot though.  Common forms of social deviance:

    First of all "deviance" is all relative to culture, society, race, ethnicity, gender etc.  What is normal to some people might seem very odd or deviant to others.  I for example, think that "faith healing" is deviant as it can result in the abuse, harm, death of children.  [See Abuse in the name of God:

    Also see: "Is Deviance in the Eye of the Beholder?"

    "it tends to be assumed that "deviant behaviour" is somehow always behaviour that is generally frowned upon by people in a society (the very name seems to imply that such behaviour is, at best, "not very nice" and, at worst, downright criminal)."

    "Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms. One familiar type of deviance is crime, or the violation of norms a society formally enacts into criminal law. A subcategory of crime is termed juvenile delinquency, or the violation of legal standards by the young. Deviance encompasses a wide range of other acts of nonconformity, from variations in hair styles to murder."

    Crime, harassment, theft, fighting, drugs.

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