
What are some of the differences between fast food and home-cooked meals?

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Im doing a research paper and I just wanted to have some points of view from other people.




  1. fast food is more expensive and much worse for you..

  2. I know that there are alot of contraindications for eating fast food based upon nutrional value, but I would like to put a spin on it for a minute.

    One positive thing is that it provides working single mothers like myself a quicker way to feed the family. There are some good choices out there now for example McDonalds now is changing the choices in the happy meal. Subway provides low fat subs and even Taco Bell has a way of reducing the calories. Of course you can't eat there everyday and if you do it doesn't help if you don't make the healthier choice.

  3. Home cooked meals can be much more nutritional. The ingredients used are more natural, as well. Not many fast food places will boil or steam food, like you can do at home.

  4. Grease,Carbs,Not real meat,More Money,and the extra belly...

  5. Home cooked usually refers to made from scratch not processed food. Although some of the ingredients still come from cans it is usually more nutritious than fast food. Fast food often adds extra fat and salt for flavor along with preservatives. They are moving towards even more processed and fast frozen foods that deteriorate the nutrients even further. They deceive the public by claiming or naming the food as being healthy while knowing full well they are not even close. Buyer beware when eating at any of those so called fast food places, Mexican and Burger places are the worst for processing and adding fat. Small single operators are not to be confused with the large chains that actually have their own commissaries.

  6. Here are the advantages of home-cooked meals:

    Fast food,why it's unhealthy:*****n/mybody/nutri...

    Good luck on your research parer!

  7. Fast food is cheap imitation meat and calories that are unwanted. Home cooked meals are healthier and taste better because you know what goes in it and if it's cooked right. Home-cooked is way better than fast food!

  8. They use way more grease in restaurants, and its probably cleaner at home because you can see the food being made

  9. nothing really, it's just home cooked may be more convenient to make or something like that.

  10. well home made meals u know how its cooked in what its cooked and by whom it gets taste, fast food, u will simply never know if the oil was new, was the pot clean and how many employee put their fingers in there 2 taste b4 it reached u?

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