
What are some of the downsides of prostitution?

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What are some of the downsides of prostitution?




  1. you can get beaten, killed, diseases and when you get old you are unemployed with no marketable skills.

  2. 1. Danger (You're basically going off with someone you've never met before...)

    2. Pregnancy

    3. Getting in trouble with the law

    4. Sexually transmitted diseases

    5. Being ridiculed

    6. Made to do things that you may not feel comfortable doing.

    7. Breaking up families

  3. Feeling trapped in it.



    Fear of harm or life

    Bad hours

    You can't work your work wardrobe into your everyday wardrobe.

  4. Disease.

    Customers who haggle.

  5. std's

  6. well......ofcourse people will think of u differently.........i mean can u really expect ur friends or family or anyone to think of u the same!?!

  7. I guess that's a more personal question for those in the biz...

    In my opinions I guess there a few... Dangerous being one, plus you can really figure that honesty is not gonna be a huge part of the business.  Objectified.  It'll always be about the client, never about you.  Social ramifications, legal ramifications.  I mean the list can get pretty long I'm sure..

    Prostitutes have never been my thing Though.  Something about just getting laid by someone that really doesn't care about me, or me for them.. defeats the purpose of being with somone in my opinion.  Oh well. At least there is the money, property of pimp, fighting for your corner if you don't have a pimp.  The multiple s*x partners that look at you as a piece of meat anyway, and really don't care if they spread anything to you, plus the bonus of having one heck of a hard time going home to someone.  There are those I suppose.

  8. HUGE HUGE risk of being beaten up, robbed, killed, raped...

    Diseases! Unwanted pregnancy! It's illegal, which could get super expensive. Poor self esteem!

    I can't think of anything positive about it!!

  9. Being demonized by Christians and anti-capitalists

  10. I cant think of none, some say diseases, but you are better off serving some married guy that doesnt get any than making out with that stud everyone loves. Who is more likely to have an std ???

  11. some?

    everything is a downside in prostitution.

  12. parting with the money? LOL !

    i know a girl who would top up her trust fund which never seemed to be enough by entertaining wealthy men from the middle east. SERIOUS cash.

    she was my fb for a few years, she was so f****** talented, my god, she destroyed it for all women i have met since.  none can compare.

  13. Being turned into a martyr for the feminist cause! LOL.

  14. Um, STDs, loss of personal dignity, illegal activity, intimate association with predominately low-character individuals, risk of pregnancy or physical harm, and of course the possibility of a reputation that could haunt you for the rest of your living days.

    Why ask?

  15. aids.

    unknown baby daddy's.

    v****a stretched out.

    anal probing.

  16. That Youu Can Get Killed

    Youu Don't Know The Guyy

    He Can Do Anythingg

    Gettin Pregnant


  17. what ARENT the downsides of prostitution?

  18. bad idea bud

  19. Fear of violence or death, std's, aids, low morale due to the type of work, can't tell people what you do for a living.

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