
What are some of the drills during volleyball? How do you practice your skills?

by  |  earlier

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Please don't just say "run laps,shuttles,play scrimmage games"

Please give me detailed answers of what you do for your drills. We need some new ideas for our team!




  1. For me to properly answer your question and it benefit you and your team the most i need to know a little more information, such as what age group, skill level, and is it for school or club?

    I'd love to help with this question, you can get back to me at (just make sure to put volleyball in the subject line).  

    I've played throughout my entire life, and i am still playing as well as coaching multiple teams.

  2. We do A LOT of basic drills, like passing, but we make it fun, we play games where one person wheels around a basket and trys to catch the other pass, you can split them into teams and basically make up a game. We also play six on six but we play "baseball" where you have to win two points in a row to get a BIG point. Good luck, I hope I answered your question. :-D

  3. its called butterfly passing....i made a diagram and im trying to figure out how to attach it in any way.  but if i figure it out, the grey represents where the people run, and the purple is where the ball it thrown.

    kay, i think the only way i can send it is if i have ur email =[

  4. The M drill:

    u start at the out line while the coach is at the net and she slaps the ball and spikes it to u and u pass it. As soon as u pass it u come up and get a tip.Then u sprint to the back left corner and she spikes it again. Then you run up to the front left postion and get another tip.

    Hitting Lines:

    The coach throws the ball to the setter and as soon as the coach throws the ball you have to call out your number in the hitting line. The setter makes her decision on where she is setting it and whoever she sets it to hits it and gets back in the line.

    Free Ball Dril:

    Six people are on the court and the coach throws the ball over and both sides play it out.

    Dead Fish Drill:

    The team splits up into two teams and one person from each team goes to sit in the one position on the court (aka the right back). Then when the coach says go the rest of the group that is not sitting down serves at the person on the other side of the court. They do this until they hit all six sections of the court.

    Shadow Drill:

    There are three people along the net at each side of the net Three people on one side of the net do their approach without a ball and the people on the other side of the net go up and block and as soon as the girl on the side that was blocking lands, she runs back to the ten foot line and goes and does her approach and the girl on the other side goes up and blocks.

    Serve Recieving Drill:

    Three to four girls will go to serve on each side of the court and the rest will fill in on each side but only for the back row positions and the setter's postitions on each side. The girls go down the line of servers serving. The girls on the other side then pass it to the setter and usually have to get 5-10 good passes to move on.

  5. hey i am a really good player and i play a lot and there are a few things that you can do.

    for defence;

           start wil jsut basic passing out of your t's (where the attack line hits the side line) you first have to make shure that you have you steps down. (open, cross, swing) then you need to get down in the ready position and have someone progressivly thouwing the ball to the general direction that you are (underhand throws, light hits tips ect.) do this for all the spots with a full team you can make it last about an hour.

    hitting drills are jsut basic learning you steps.  depending on your hitting hand. right handed it is right left right. a big step right trhen you take a left footed step and when you do that you should have it parallel to then net thatn the other foot comes behind it and then you jsut hit it.

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