
What are some of the effects of media?

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What is the purpose of media and what r some of the effects?




  1. Media is, strictly speaking, the plural of "medium" - - this multi-definitional word is a bit vague. . .likely you mean the "Mass" media, as in "Mainstream Media favors Hillary in W. VA. primary this Tuesday" - - therefore, the effect of such a collaboration of media (Newspaper accounts, press releases, radio news reports,  TV network and cable "talking heads" news shows, Internet sources like Yahoo! news and other blogs and updates websites) is to abbreviate a complicated story as far as an upcoming event like the Democratic primary race (began last January at the Iowa caucuses) and to make it something that someone might read/listen/print off at their home computer/give heed to later on as far as what was the development being reported on (example, superdelegates moving from "uncommitted" to candidate B. Obama).  The effect is to encourage Obama supporters; another effect is to discourage Hillary supporters.

  2. it could lead you to the belief of the writer or the story heading, and that belief if found to be untrue could destroy lives

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