
What are some of the greatest stories you think ever written?

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What books have a great story that stay with you long after you read them?




  1. To Kill a Mockingbird

  2. Amy Foster by Conrad .


  3. I don't know... maybe The Hobbit

  4. Would you believe... Bambi... As a kid I read it at least 6 times and it had a major influence in my life.  No, I'm not kidding.  Even at a younger age it told me about life, love, friends, death, surviving.  All of that in a kid's book.... or was I just weird?  Maybe not weird but I was alone a lot.  Thanks for reading...  Rocket

  5. Oh my God. Twilight is NOT one of the greatest stories ever written. It is in no way good literature.

    Excuse me while I shudder uncontrollably.

    The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Frankenstein - Mary Shelley

    A Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

    1984 - George Orwell

    Hamlet - William Shakespeare

    The short story "Brokeback Mountain" in the collection Close Range - Annie Proulx

  6. The Outsiders, no doubt. It touched my heart and i will always remember the tragic tale. It shows just how hard it is to live in the lower and upper classes of society. no matter who you are, you would always be able to relate to the book in your position in life whether you are the preps or the punks, you can find yourself in the book.  

  7. The whole Twilight series!

    And the more to come!

  8. Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

    Les Miserables by Victor Hugo


  9. lord of the rings...

  10. The Book Thief

  11. The Firm by John Grisham

  12. the twilight saga!

  13. tehe, I haven't really read any good books i nmy life time yet... I'll read like a book every week, but none of them are good.

  14. Harry Potter

    Farenheit 451


    I, Coriander

    Dragon Slippers

    Dragon Flight

    Sisters Grimm

  15. Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, not the greatest but i couldn't stop thinking about it for some weird reason.

    Harry Potter in my opinion is about as good as it gets. oh and of course twilight

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