
What are some of the known factors which keep population explosion in check.?

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What are some of the known factors which keep population explosion in check.?




  1. disease.

  2. war, disease, genocide, natural disasters

    natural selection my friend, the weak dont survive.

  3. The known factors that apply to nature do not seem to work with Humanity ,and the population is exploding unchecked,that is the whole problem

    World population has doubled in the last 50 years exceeding the growth of 4 million years (since we became homo Sapiens).

    To satisfy the growing demand farmers are cultivating unstable lands , too steep or dry to be sustainable.

    Over the last half century,

    Population growth & rising incomes have tripled world grain demand from 640 million tons to 1,855 million

    In the near future the global farming community will not be able to feed every body ,food prices will continue to rise.


    In China are laws that limit childbirth per family.

    A horrible concept but who knows what horrors await us,

    at a Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen in 1998 ,an American statesman said ,their Agenda demanded that  the world population had to be reduced by 60%,one cannot help but wonder at how this would be achieved,could it be any of the methods below.

    Population control in the past and present

    War (past .present and future)

    Natures way disease(today,past and future)

    Manufactured disease(suspected today)

    cures that kill(suspected today)

    poisoned consumer goods (suspected today)

    making children infertile or g*y,by raising the PH level in drinking water or even drinks (suspected today)

    birth control,




    In Nature exists such a thing as the law of Harmony and Equilibrium

    Animals have lots of young when there is plenty of food ,and have little or none when the conditions are bad

    when there is a plague of rabbits ,many foxes are born,

    when there is no game lions ,and other predators have few cubs.

    Plants do  the same thing

    All obey the LAW OF NATURE


    everybody is welcome ,but nobody in excess.

    we must co-exist on this planet and limit our numbers to our resources

    Humans put themselves above the LAW,and have bred themselves into a plague

    It is a miracle that Nature has allowed us to get this far.

    Everything else is set upon by plagues ,disease or predators ,when they exceed their allotted quantity,

    Or there are Natural disasters .

    There are two moments in the existence of a specie when extinction is likely,

    When there are two few

    And when there are too many.



    However population control has always been a very sensitive issue Because people get get very nervous when you go below the belt

    Mans sexuality and very often how many kids hes got is proof of his masculinity and insurance for old age

    with many possible incomes to assist him when he himself cannot work any more

    the second point is HOW do we ethically control populations


    educated women have less children

    But uneducated populations are more religious and more resistant to birth control.

    I handed out condoms to an native Mazatecca community in Oaxaca ,but the church retrieved them all )

    So We need more Education on birth control ,especially to  the poor regions

    Some Native peoples have always been aware of

    limiting their numbers, to as many as the tribe can afford to feed

    In the past the Olmecs women ate yams to make them infertile,

    Amazonian tribes have strict sexual rites that limit copulation in the conventional way.

    And there were central Americans who sacrificed their excess children to the Gods but today To forcibly control populations is frowned upon to say the least.


    In the Netherlands after the war families were encouraged

    to have few children because it is such a small country

    not much bigger than Mexico city,

    It was physically impossible to fit a lot of people into the country ,So the  people could understand the concept of birth control,

    But in larger countries many think of the family ,not the society as a whole

    What happens if the country is full do we

    wage war and kill everybody in another place, to invade and settle there ,that would be the usual solution.

    In the past conquering countries encouraged the people to have many kids to be used as soldiers or cannon fodder

    Settling farmers needed many sons to provide labor,

    Today it is a different world

    However judging by many peoples reactions to previous questions about population control here in ANSWERS, many still cling to the old self centered or invasive philosophies

  4. Women going out to work and travelling abroad to work.  The population in SE Asia is flattening out, as women from countries like the philippines work abroad and enjoy a far better life than they would if they married and stayed at home.  This phenomenon is being reproduced around the world, with exceptions like most African countries, Pakistan and Israel.  The more prosperous people become, and the more they travel - the fewer children they have.

  5. It depends on what sort of system you are dealing with.

    In a pre-industrial economy, disease and limited food production capability restrict populatioon growth.  Those constraints are removed when industrialization and technoloy and the concurrent rise in health care come into play.

    The cheif limiting factor in an industrial/post industrial system is the social structure.   Social scientists have examined this--and the patterns are clear. In highly industrialized countries, the birth rate is at or below replacement level--they don't have a "population problem" at all. The US is one of these--its population growth is exclusively from immigration and lengenthing life span.  Less developed countries tend to have hgher bitrth rates.

    The key is that in these societies, women are able to delay childbearing and instead pursue education and careers.  Patriarchal social institutions are weak--but remain strong in most non-industrialized nations.  In short--societies with high degrees of gender equality leave woen free to choose to have fewer children.

    It's really that simple.

  6. proper fuel & oil, checking of silencer cleaning

  7. natural disasters like earthquakes

  8. Nothing, humans just keep f*c*i*g!

    Eventually all our natural resources will be used up on the amount of babies being born each year!

    Common sense, this should be the number one factor for population control!

    I mean this from a stand point of looking into the habitat for future generations, not some religious reason.

    But no! we humans have to literally be killed before we will stop humping stuff!

  9. In the study of population dynamics there a three recognised factors which control populations, and are density dependant.



    predation ( war and crime is the human equivalent)

    the human population is increasing exponentially, 1.5 billion to 6.0 billion during the 20th century, and a further 800 million from 2000 to 2006.

    Just hoping that people will have fewer children if they are better off will not work as this takes 2 or 3 generations to take effect. In the poor countries a couple may have 7 or 8 children, and have only 1 or 2 survive, when they become better off, they still have 7 or 8 children, all of whom survive. It is the subsequent generations only that  have fewer children.

  10. pandemics are normally the main culprits, they normally happen every so many years. Hospitals are already getting prepared for the next one as according to specialist in the subject we are over due for another one.

  11. war, famine, natural disasters like earthquakes, and disease.

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