
What are some of the lifestyle changes that we can make to stop global warming?

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Maybe by using eco-friendly products in our daily life? I think they are also safer for our home and family.




  1. I think the easiest would be by conserving fuel, saving electricity, and avoid using plastics, we can at least reduce our personal oil consumption

    (and to the skeptics, I think that doing these simple steps wouldn't hurt you, don't you think? even if global warming was proven wrong, there is no doubt that oil reserves are limited, and we shouldn't waste this resource)

    Also by reducing our use of papers, we could avoid contributing to deforestation

  2. there are sooo many. I have some saved on my computer and i keep reading them now and then to help me remember them. The list's very long but hey if you are interested in environment, you'll really read them. Here's the list:


    1. Recycle everything you can: newspapers, cans, glass bottles and jars, aluminum foil, motor oil, scrap metal, etc.

    2. Don't use electrical appliances for things you can easily do by hand, such as opening cans.

    3. Use cold water in the washer whenever possible.

    4. Re-use brown paper bags to line your trash can instead of plastic bags. Re-use bread bags and the bags you bring your produce home in.

    5. Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

    6. Save wire coat hangers and return them to the dry cleaners.

    7. Take unwanted, re-usable items to a charitable organization or thrift shop.

    8. Don't leave water running needlessly.

    9. Turn your heat down, and wear a sweater.

    10. Turn off the lights, TV, or other electrical appliances when you are out of a room.

    11. Flush the toilet less often. (If you cut flushing in half, you'll save up to 16.5 gallons a day.)

    12. Turn down the heat and turn off the water heater before you leave for vacation.

    13. Recycle your Christmas Tree.


    14. Start a compost pile.

    15. Put up birdfeeders, birdhouses, and birdbaths.

    16. Pull weeds instead of using herbicides.

    17. Use only organic fertilizers. (They are still the best.)

    18. Compost your leaves and yard debris, or take them to a yard debris recycler. (Burning them creates air pollution, and putting them out with the trash wastes landfill space.)

    19. Take extra plastic and rubber pots back to the nursery.

    20. Plant short, dense shrubs close to your home's foundation to help insulate your home against cold.

    21. Use mulch to conserve water in your garden.


    22. Keep your car tuned up.

    23. Carpool, if possible.

    24. Use public transport whenever possible.

    25. On weekends, ride your bike or walk instead.

    26. Buy a more fuel-efficient model (such as a hybrid or electric) when you're ready for a new car.

    27. Recycle your engine oil.

    28. Keep your tires properly inflated to save gas.

    29. Keep your wheels properly aligned to save your tires. (It's safer too.)

    30. Don't litter our roads and highways. Save trash and dispose of it at a rest stop.


    31. Recycle office and computer paper, cardboard, etc. whenever possible.

    32. Use scrap paper for informal notes to yourself and others.

    33. Print or copy on both sides of the paper.

    34. Use smaller paper for smaller memos.

    35. Re-use manila envelopes and file folders.

    36. Hide the throw-away cups, and train people to use their washable coffee mugs. Use washable mugs for meetings too.


    37. Avoid buying food or household products in plastic or styrofoam containers whenever possible. (They cannot be recycled and do not break down in the environment.)

    38. Think twice about buying "disposable" products. (They really aren't disposable and are extravagant wastes of the world's resources.)

    39. Buy paper products instead of plastic if you must buy "disposables." They break down better in the environment and don't deplete the ozone layer as much.

    40. Check the energy rating of major appliances you purchase. Buy only the most-energy-efficient models.

    41. Ask questions. Don't buy products, such as styrofoam, that are hazardous to the environment or manufactured at the expense of important habitats such as rain forests.

    42. Buy locally grown food and locally made products when possible.

    43. Don't buy products made from endangered animals.


    44. Join a conservation organization. Browse to find an environmental organization you would like to support.

    45. Volunteer your time to conservation projects.

    46. Give money to conservation projects.

    47. Switch to a vegetarian diet. (Raising animals for food consumes vast quantities of natural resources, including water, land, and oil; destroys habitats; and generates a tremendous amount of water and air pollution.)

    48. Conserve by example. Encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to save resources too.

    49. Learn about conservation issues in your community or state. Write your legislators and let them know where you stand on the issues.

    50. Teach children to respect nature and the environment. Take them on hikes or camping. Help them plant a tree or build a birdhouse. Teach them by example.

    and here are some more:

    In Your Home – Conserve Energy

    1. Clean or replace air filters on your air conditioning unit at least once a month.

    2. If you have central air conditioning, do not close vents in unused rooms.

    3. Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120.

    4. Wrap your water heater in an insulated blanket.

    5. Turn down or shut off your water heater when you will be away for extended periods.

    6. Turn off unneeded lights even when leaving a room for a short time.

    7. Set your refrigerator temperature at 36 to 38 and your freezer at 0 to 5 .

    8. When using an oven, minimize door opening while it is in use; it reduces oven temperature by 25 to 30 every time you open the door.

    9. Clean the lint filter in your dryer after every load so that it uses less energy.

    10. Unplug seldom used appliances.

    11. Use a microwave when- ever you can instead of a conventional oven or stove.

    12. Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot.

    13. Reverse your indoor ceiling fans for summer and winter operations as recommended.

    14. Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.

    15. Purchase appliances and office equipment with the Energy Star Label; old refridgerators, for example, use up to 50 more electricity than newer models.

    16. Only use electric appliances when you need them.

    17. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy.

    18. Keep your thermostat at 68 in winter and 78 in summer.

    19. Keep your thermostat higher in summer and lower in winter when you are away

    20. Insulate your home as best as you can.

    21. Install weather stripping around all doors and windows.

    22. Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work.

    23. Plant trees to shade your home.

    24. Shade outside air conditioning units by trees or other means.

    25. Replace old windows with energy efficient ones.

    26. Use cold water instead of warm or hot water when possible.

    27. Connect your outdoor lights to a timer.

    28. Buy green electricity - electricity produced by low - or even zero-pollution facilities (NC Greenpower for North Carolina - In your home-reduce toxicity. In Your Home – Reduce Toxicity

    29. Eliminate mercury from your home by purchasing items without mercury, and dispose of items containing mercury at an appropriate drop-off facility when necessary (e.g. old thermometers).

    30. Learn about alternatives to household cleaning items that do not use hazardous chemicals.

    31. Buy the right amount of paint for the job.

    32. Review labels of household cleaners you use. Consider alternatives like baking soda, scouring pads, water or a little more elbow grease.

    33. When no good alternatives exist to a toxic item, find the least amount required for an effective, sanitary result.

    34. If you have an older home, have paint in your home tested for lead. If you have lead-based paint, cover it with wall paper or other material instead of sanding it or burning it off.

    35. Use traps instead of rat and mouse poisons and insect killers.

    36. Have your home tested for radon.

    37. Use cedar chips or aromatic herbs instead of mothballs.

    In Your Yard

    38. Avoid using leaf blowers and other dust-producing equipment.

    39. Use an electric lawn- mower instead of a gas-powered one.

    40. Leave grass clippings on the yard-they decompose and return nutrients to the soil.

    41. Use recycled wood chips as mulch to keep weeds down, retain moisture and prevent erosion.

    42. Use only the required amount of fertilizer.

    43. Minimize pesticide use.

    44. Create a wildlife habitat in your yard.

    45. Water grass early in the morning.

    46. Rent or borrow items like ladders, chain saws, party decorations and others that are seldom used.

    47. Take actions that use non hazardous components (e.g., to ward off pests, plant marigolds in a garden instead of using pesticide).

    48. Put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away. Yard debris too large for your compost bin should be taken to a yard-debris recycler. In Your Office

    49. Copy and print on both sides of paper.

    50. Reuse items like envelopes, folders and paper clips.

    51. Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.

    52. Set up a bulletin board for memos instead of sending a copy to each employee.

    53. Use e-mail instead of paper correspondence.

    54. Use recycled paper.

    55. Use discarded paper for scrap paper.

    56. Encourage your school and/or company to print documents with soy-based inks, which are less toxic.

    57. Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of a disposable cup.

    Ways To Protect Our Air

    58. Ask your employer to consider flexible work schedules or telecommuting.

    59. Recycle printer cartridges.

    60. Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work.

    61. Report smoking vehicles to your local air agency.

    62. Don't use your wood stove or fireplace when air quality is poor.

    63. Avoid slow-burning, smoldering fires. They produce the largest amount of pollution.

    64. Burn seasoned wood - it burns cleaner than green wood.

    65. Use solar power for home and water heating.

    66. Use low-VOC or water-based paints, stains, finishes and paint strippers.

    67. Purchase radial tires an

  3. i think some of the lifestyle changes we may go through include living in a forest for the rest of our lives feeding off plants and traveling by foot everywhere. the only way we can stop global warming (if it is true) will be to de-evolve. we have to go back to the stone age to reduce our co2 footprint

  4. one- to stop being greedy and act for the good of all, not for just one person.

    2nd- to act responsible and mature: lets stop being ignorants and show a bit of caring for our nature

    As always, maintain recycling at a peak, be organized in -laundry and  transportation manners, and other every day use of facilities." Don't waste because you think you have enough, neither because money makes no difference to you, but spend as you need and as low a quantity as possible." "If we want someone else to care about us, lets make the first step forward, then 'wait' for them to follow."

  5. Turn off your computer, it consumes electricity and contributes to global warming. Thanks to you we have another portion of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. You are selfish and mean.

  6. Well I use compact florescent bulbs all through my house that really helps also any hybrid vehicle.  Conservere  is the key. I have a programable thermostat that really helps on the Gas bills and Environment also. Solar cells are a great and type of alternative energy source as long if it's Green.

  7. We may or may not be able to stop that part of global warming that humans are causing. But if by reducing our own carbon footprint we lower the price of fossil fuels so that others increase their carbon footprint, we get onto a no-win treadmill.

    To get a real meaningful reduction in consumption of fossil fuels we have to  limit, and lower the limit,on the total amount of all fossil fuels that we extract or import. The principle of economics is that if we extract it, if we import it, someone will consume it. If we intend to cut back on consumption, we must cut back on supply at the same time.

    We may still not be able to stop global warming.

    Analysts are suggesting that if we do not cut fossil fuel consumption by about 80% before 2020, in all probability we will have passed a tipping point, a point beyond which warming will be self sustaining straight through to the onset of the next ice age. If that is so, we do not have time for lets pretend methods. we would have to get right into controlling supply, reducing it deliberately, and fast enough to make that 80% reduction before 2020.

    We would have to take the lead, with no time taken to point fingers at China until we have our per capita usage below China's.

  8. turn off anything and everything that not use in that time. use the electronic thing that use less power and you must keep the plant around you grow up well especially the plant that can produce oxygen. use energy efficiency and effectively, including your car or motorcycle. if it's possible you can buy a solar panel to produce your own electricity.

  9. Quit listening to and believing every stupid idiotic thing that you hear...  I think you alarmists would like to have global warming to justify your existence and validate all of the negativity you bring to this country.

  10. None.  There is no known way to reduce the sun's output.

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