
What are some of the little things you do to conserve energy?

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With summer around the corner and increased enviornmental awareness becoming a priority, its good to hear what other people around the states are doing to help curb their energy dependence.




  1. Installing high efficiency household appliances helps. (Clothes washer for example as heating water uses alot of energy) Low flow showerheads and switching to CFL bulbs can also help to make a large difference in your house energy consumption.

  2. I've installed energy saving light bulbs, and I've turned the thermostat for the heating down.  I also have started to walk to the local shops rather than take the jaloppy.  I also only do my washing at 30 degrees rather than 40.

  3. What do I do to conserve energy?

    I decorate my house with christmas lights all year arround.

    I leave my car running when I am in a store.

    I burn coal instead of propane for my grill.

    I keep my oven on all day.

    I drive a 10 MPG car 200 miles a day.

    I turn on my private jet in the morning, burning 100 gallons of fuel just for an alarm clock.

    I get my cows to f**t more.

    I use 6 chords of paper every day.

    Oh, and my car is really junky and I have to replace the oil in it every hour.

    So yeah, I try to do my part. I say that I like it warmer!


  4. I'm letting my grass grow a little taller before I mow it and I am parking my car and walking in instead of wasting gas when sitting in the drive through at fast food restaurants when there are more than 3 cars in line.


  5. Here's a great list of energy conservation tips:

  6. Live a vegan lifestyle


    Use reusable bottles, etc for food storage

    Switch out light bulbs

    Keep heating/cooling down

    Buy local produce

    Limit buying of material goods untill needed

    Buy cloths second hand--and anything else I can get too!

    Walk, ride my bike or the bus where ever I can

    Avoid shopping at mass--mega marts

  7. One of the little things I do is turn off the lights when I am not in a room.   I fill the kettle with the amount of water I need, not only to conserve engery but fuel bills in the UK are so high these days every little bit helps!  I have some energy efficent light bulbs here and there.

    I live in an area where the street lights are switched off 12 midnight in the winter and 1am in the summer, which I think is a good idea, although I do live in a safe area and wouldnt think switching off lights in a London street would be wise!

  8. There are many ways you can conserve energy and water...

    1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth

    2. Turn off the lights while leaving a room

    3. While you have you a/c on make sure the bathroom door and laundry room doors are closed

    4.Fill up the sink while shaving

    5.Fill up the sink while washing dishes if there are a lot to wash or if you could use the dishwasher (full load only)

    6. when you wash clothes be sure it is only full load also

    7. Water your grass in the early morning or evening

  9. I drive my V8 Mustang more than my V8 Bronco.

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