
What are some of the main characteristics of sociological imagination?

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What are some of the main characteristics of sociological imagination?




  1. hallucinations.

  2. its the link between individual interactions to the greater whole of the world.   for ex- using credit cards. it could become an issue when everyone becomes dependent on it and there is a huge world debt. small things that lead to global aspects.

  3. The sociological imagination is the ability that people have to place themselves into contexts they are not and to imagine themselves playing a different role. It is also the capacity of people to viculate their personal experiences with one another and to relate them to a higher social level that is - to go from the personal biography to the social history or environment.

    In short it is the skill of reconstructing larger social structures beyond the individual through the use of the personal experiences.

    I hope that this helps!

  4. adsf

  5. i dont know - but i feel smart reading the question out loud

  6. Here are some websites that answer that! Didn't want to type it cos it would take way too long. They provide examples too... :)


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