
What are some of the main current issues in marine conservation?

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What are some of the main current issues in marine conservation?




  1. The eutrophication of coastal seas (nutrient loading) that results in shifts in ecosystem functioning via altered primary productivity (unproductive or poisonous algae) which stops zoo-plankton from growing which removes a pivotal food source for larval fish, crustaceans and cnidarians.  Also the build up and bio magnification of dioxins and other chemicals in marine ecosystems.  Many whales are riddled with chemicals.  Bottom trawling that is destroying long lives (1000 year old) coral and sponge habitats.  Overfishing that leads to changes in ecosystem functioning via the removal of top order predators.  The spread of introduced pests to foreign waters via ballast water or through changing climate.

  2. Louisiana coastal erosion

  3. The "canary in the coal mine" for our embattled oceans could very well be coral reefs.  Across the planet coral reefs are dead, dying or fighting serious degradation (mostly due to virus invasion).  We are seeing this in Florida, Australia, Japan and too many other places.

    The decimation of numerous fish stocks is another key marine issue being hotly debated right now.  This is due to over harvesting; poor fishing practices and management; current change due to climate change; excessive pollution; and loss of habitat.

    Damage and over development over coastal areas is another serious concern.

    Even fresh water bodies are in trouble.  The Great Lakes is struggling with invasive specie damage from one end of the lakes to the other.  This now includes not only zebra mussels, but plant life like flowering rush overgrowth.

  4. Overharvesting.


  5. Over fishing,extinction,pollution,& corral reefs

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