
What are some of the main effects of the oil process on Agriculture?

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What are some of the main effects of the oil process on Agriculture?




  1. It takes fuel to run the tractor to plow the field. It takes fuel to run the tractor to plant the field. It takes fuel to run the water pumps to irrigate the field. It takes fuel to run the harvester. It takes fuel to run the truck to get the produce to the market.

    When the price of fuel goes up, the price of food goes up.

  2. prices are affected by fertilizers and insecticides and power which has considerable fuel component  

    trans poratation also affects

  3. everything on the farm is effected by oil as it takes large amounts of fuel to plant and harvest crops one of the largest effects of oil is on the price of nitrogen as it is manufactured and large amounts of propane are required in the process of manufactiring nitrogen

  4. Hello

    Oil like Petrol & diesel is Too important for Agriculture.

    1.To take water from Well/Bore Well/Pond Water. Diesel is required for Motors.

    2.To run tractors in Field

    3.To run Harvesting Machines/Weeding Machines

    4.To spray Pesticides/Fertilizers to crops

    5. To transport Crops from Field to City for Selling in Market.

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