
What are some of the major differances in Pauls teachings of Christianity and Jesus's message?

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What are some of the major differances in Pauls teachings of Christianity and Jesus's message?




  1. They taught different religions.

    Jesus taught basic Judaism. 'Love thy neighbour' is straight from the Torah, and it appeared thousands of years before Jesus was born.

    The holy text that Jesus grew up reading and studying was the Torah. That was the scripture Jesus followed, albeit badly at times.

    As for Paul - he declared Torah 'old' and 'irrelevant'. How is that the same as the message of Jesus?

    The Torah is the word of G-d, as given by G-d to a huge gathering of Israelites at Mt Sinai. Everyone present HEARD the voice of G-d.

    Yet Paul sought to overturn the word of G-d. Paul declared that nobody needed to keep kosher, that men did not need to be circumcised. How can any HUMAN overturn the word of G-D?

    And since Paul never even met Jesus, we know he didn't get that idea from him!

  2. Didn't Paul invent trinity?

  3. There's no difference.

  4. There can be no "differences" because the whole bible was inspired by God.  So whether the writer was Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, or whoever, the message is still consistently from God.

    II Timothy 3:16-17 – 16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

    That verse says ALL scripture.  A person can't follow only the parts of the Bible that he agrees with and disregard the parts he doesn't like.

  5. Upon refection of the scriptures we find that Jesus and Paul are not at all in contradiction with one another, and that most of what Paul claims has already been stated before by Jesus and the other disciples, though in a different way. Indeed, what is clear is that Paul was not the founder of Christianity, but its greatest expounder. Peter, one of Jesus's closest disciples for three years, addresses the gospel, speaking and witnessing the fact of Jesus, his death and resurrection in Acts 2. He continues this witness in Acts 3 and 4, long before Paul even comes onto the scene!

  6. Jesus taught as his message a version of Judaism, Paul taught as his message Jesus.

    One of the main reasons might be that Jesus spoke to Jews, while Paul had a different audience for the most part.  

    And no, he didn't invent the trinity, that was a later attempt to explain some NT verses.

  7. Jesus came to save the lost tribes of Israel first, with a hint of the whole world but first His own would have to reject Him like all of the other prophets God sent, then that would open the door for everyone else(Gentiles).  Paul was the appointed one to speak to them in particular, the other apostles had limited contact with the gentiles they stayed in Jerusalem as long as persecution permitted, Paul went to the farther reaches to convert Gentiles.  No differences between their messages just different audiences.  Jesus' last words before ascension were "Go and preach the Gospel to all of the nations(gentiles)".  This is why Jesus used a zealous persecutor of Christians to do this, hence if Paul can be forgiven so can you, If Paul can change so can you.  No more excuses, just do it.

  8. Read "The Mythmaker, Paul and the Invention of Christianity" by Hyam Maccoby


  9. Jesus taught to worship the father, like all the other prophets (Moses, Abraham, Muhammad, Adam). Paul taught that God is one, but three, but really one, and they are all equal, but not really equal, but the same, but not the same. Basically, Paul introduced the trinity nonsense. And the idea of sin scapegoating onto Jesus. Read Mark without a Paul-centric mindset and you won't walk away with the idea that Jesus wanted to die for humanity 'at all'.  

  10. Jezebel:

    The first thing we must keep in mind when dealing with Paul, the Mythmaker, is that the Jesus Christ of Paul, bears no relation to Jesus of Nazareth.  There is a distinct probability that there WAS an itinerant rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, who taught a special message of the indwelling God in each of us.  The Jesus Christ of Paul was a completly fabricated Mythical dying and resurrected Saviour, like many who preceeded him and all of whom Paul was familiar with.  Never having known the REAL Jesus, Paul was free to invent a belief system that interpolated Jewish beliefs with the Hellenic mystery religions that were part and parcel of his millieu.

    Basically, the message of Jesus of Nazareth was an all-inclusive message for ALL men and women for ALL time.  It acknowledged the 'equality' of all men and women.  Paul, on the other hand, succumbed to the patriarchal mores of his era by depicting women as second class citizens who could not even go the bathroom without hubby's consent.  Paul upheld the notions of Slavery, and submission to authority...Jesus of Nazareth  fought the authorities of his day.  Jesus of Nazareth relied on his 'father' to sustain him,  Paul was constantly whining about how HIS followers were not doing enough to sustain HIM.  

    Paul mis-directed the worship of the Father to his invented Jesus Christ....literally adhering to the ancient 'dictum'....The King Must Die.  Paul knew that if his NEW religion was to get off the ground he would have to make the SON more important than the FATHER.  He was literally the first proponent of "the death of God".  To the resurrectional point that God the Father, who had been given credit for raising the dead in all previous account, now took second place to his Son who RAISED HIMSELF FROM THE DEAD.  And to counteract the hysteria this 'killing' of the father would produce, made his CHRIST, GOD the equal of the Father, and ACTUALLY the Father in Mufti!!!

    John, or whoever was the author of the fourth Gospel, is most often credited with the 'invention' of the TRINITY, but the actual seeds of 'three persons in one God' were sewn by Paul (being the first of the New Testament writers) and elaborated by John. And the notion of a Trinity was, almost certainly,  based on the Trinities that were an integral part of the Mythology of religions preceeded Judaism and Christianity....just as MONOTHEISM was an idea brought from Egypt by the man, who came to be known as Moses.

    For Paul, Salvation through belief in GOD was not enough.  It only worked if you accepted that THAT God was his manufactured JESUS CHRIST.

    The most direct contravention of the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth was in Paul insisting that salvation did not rely on the 'law' which Jesus insisted he came NOT to destroy, but to fulfill...rather it relied on FAITH alone....that faith being NOT in YAHWEH, but in Jesus Christ.

    This, of course, only scratches the surface of the 'differences'....for a full exposition:  

  11. The idea that Paul invented Christianity out of some theological vacuum is completely without merit. Although Paul's Letter to the Romans is radically different from just about any other book of the Bible, the teachings found in the Book of Romans is also found in the Old Testament, the teachings of Jesus, and the teachings of the disciples. So, Paul didn't just make up doctrines to create a new religion. However, he did write the greatest theological treatise of all time in the Book of Romans. Not only are the core doctrines of Christianity found outside Paul's writings, but Paul himself taught many other theological issues that reflect the teachings of Jesus during His years of ministry. In conclusion, Paul of Tarsus did not invent Christianity, but clarified the teachings of the Bible as no other Bible author ever has. In addition to his great theological writings, Paul was Christianity's greatest evangelist.



    Matthew 10:38, 16:24, 26:28, Mark 8:34, 14:24, Luke 9:23, 14:27, 22:20, John 12:32-332


    1 Corinthians 1:18, 11:25, Ephesians 2:8, 16, Colossians 1:20, 2:143


    Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:29-30, Luke 9:24, John 3:166


    Romans 5:21, 6:23, 1 Timothy 1:16, Jude 1:217


  12. Beyond Jesus teaching mostly spiritual things, and Paul teaching some practical things, not much.

    Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles.

  13. None.

    Paul explained Jesus perfectly.

    Paul got his message directly from Jesus.

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