
What are some of the most impressive sights in and around Berlin, Germany and why?

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What are some of the most impressive sights in and around Berlin, Germany and why?




  1. You should take the S-Bahn (Overground Metrotrain) from Charlottenburg to Hackescher Markt.

    On this way you see many nice places and the old town buildings from the 19th Century. I love these!

    You shold walk through Friedrichstrasse to the old Checkpoint Charlie witch is now a Museum.

    Other typical Tourist places:

    Brandenburg Gate

    Street "Unter den Linden"

    Museumsinsel (Island with lots of Museums in Berlin Mitte)

    Hackescher Markt

    Alexander Platz (I don´t like)

    and on weekends: The Fleemarket at Street of 17.June (Strasse des 17.Juni at Station Tiergarten)

  2. the Museums Island in the city center. Many museums with unbelievable treasures and all of them are on a small island so you can visit them just by walking.

    all the other stuff is just ike in any other city, large TV tower with a nice view (only in good weather), a cruise ship does not take you to the interesting points same as the bus line.

    Take a step beside and have a look to those places which are not crowed with tourists.

    you find two links below, the first is the official tourist guide and the second is the one that leeds you to some interesting places beside the "must" see.

  3. The most exciting sight in Berlin definitely is the TV tower at Alexanderplatz, called by Berliners emtionally the "Telespargel" ("TV asparagus") because of the slim building. I went up there once, and the elevator just takes off like a space shuttle. The guide told me that you're actually weightless for about half a second.

    One other thing that I'd recommend in Berlin is a ship cruise on the Wannsee. Take the "seven lakes tour" ("Sieben-Seen-Tour") to see the Glienicker Brücke, where they used to exchange spies back in the times of the "cold war".

    There's many more things to see in Berlin; I lived and worked there for seven years. If you get the chance, take the bus line 100 from Zoo station, and sit upstairs. They have doubledeckers in Berlin like they have in London; the only difference is that Berlin busses are yellow, not red.

  4. ok, here's a tour we did, we were there in jan/feb.

    you take the subway or S-Bahn to the Potsdamer Platz. It's very impressive with it's new architecture. thats where the Berlinale, the Berlin Film Festival is at every year. from there you walk to the Holocaust Memorial. its quiet an amazing thing to look at and has lots of symbolic means. once you're done, you walk up to the Brandenburg Gate. It's a huge gate that Napoleon and later Hitler walk through for victory parades. At the Brandenburg Gate, you can already see the Reichstag, which was restored after WWII. from the Reichstag you can walk to the new Berlin Main Train Station which is pretty impressive because its so big. from there, you can take a stroll along the Spree river to the Friedrichstrasse and the Hackische Hoeffe.

    its a pretty nice and long tour to walk. you can cheat and use the public transportation if you want to.

    but that if you're new to berlin. if you moved there, you might want to see more than just the regular tourism stuff. there's this english magazin called "Exberliner", you can get it at pretty much any newspaper stand. they usually have a good overview about whats going on in the city.

    a couple of other things to see are the TV-Tower, the Museum Island, the Zoo, the KDW Department Store, the Checkpoint Charly and various flea markets all over the city on the weekends.

    ok, i guess thats a lot.... i'm a native, i've lived there for 3 years...

    hope it helps. you really need to get a map if you don't know the places i'm talking about..

    good luck!

  5. Well, I usually take foreign guests to

    -Berlin Reichstag (the reconstructed house the parliament):

    - to East Side Gallery (part of the former Berlin wall &memorial):

    - to  the Holocaust Memorial

    - to the Gedächtniskirche (there are free concerts on saturdays):

    and for nightlife to the area around "Hackescher Markt" (where you find bars, pups, clubs and galleries):

    or to the area of Kreuzberg/Oranienstrasse (where you find also bars and clubs, but less touristical)

    Around Berlin there is for example  the city of Potsdam  with a lot of historical sights like Sanssouci, the former palace of the King of Prussia:

    These are some of the places I find most interesting and my guests used to like them too.

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