
What are some of the most significant U.S. events that happened in the 1950s?

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What are some of the most significant U.S. events that happened in the 1950s?




  1. Korean war

    hydrogen bomb

    birth of rock n roll

    interstate highway system created

    beginning of the space race

  2. 1950

    First Modern Credit Card Introduced

    First Organ Transplant

    Korean War Begins

    Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch Hunt

    U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb


    Color TV Introduced

    Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII

    Oliver Brown sues Topeka, Kansas school board to let his daughter go to a white school that was closer to her home than the black school.

    Transcontinental television begins with a speech by Pres. Truman.


    Dwight D. Eisenhower elected President. Vice President was Richard Nixon.

    Car Seat Belts Introduced

    Polio Vaccine Created

    The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 removes racial and ethnic barriers to becoming a U.S. citizen.


    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for Espionage.

    Fighting ends in Korea. Korean armistice signed.

    U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now Health and Human Services) created.

    U.S. Air Force test pilot Chuck Yeager sets speed record in X-1 rocket plane.


    First Atomic Submarine Launched

    Report Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer

    Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S.


    Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus.

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. leads the first major event of the U.S. civil rights movement, a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama .


    The Federal Highway Act is signed, marking the beginning of work on the interstate highway system.


    Schools in Little Rock Arkansas were forcibly integrated.

    Eisenhower starts his second term as US President.

    Joseph McCarthy died.

    The first commercial nuclear reactor was opened in Shippingport, PA.


    National Defense Education Act was designed to improve student ability in Science and Mathematics.

    NASA Founded

    Explorer I, the first U.S. satellite, successfully orbits the earth.

    The first domestic jet-airline passenger service is begun by National Airlines between New York City and Miami.


    Kitchen Debate Between Nixon and Khrushchev.

    The first domestic jet-airline passenger service is begun by National Airlines between New York City and Miami.

  3. --The Korean War (1950-53)

    --Suez Crisis ('56)

    --European Community (or Common Market), the precursor of the European Union, was established with the Treaty of Rome in 1957

    --Playboy magazine first launched

    --The first polio vaccine, developed by Jonas Salk, was introduced to the general public in 1955.

    --Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957.

    --The first organ transplants were done in Boston and Paris in 1954.

    --1950: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA founded.

    --1951: Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site begins with a one-kiloton bomb dropped on Frenchman Flats, northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada.

    --1951: The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins.

    --Cold War

  4. Building highways, making transporting more easy to get places.

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