
What are some of the options the U.S. has for dealing with this potential energy crisis in the future?

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One of the big issues that we're hearing more and more about in political debates and discussions is the issue of the energy resources of the United States. There are some obvious concerns here, namely that we depend heavily on foreign oil. The question is what are some of the options the U.S. has for dealing with this potential energy crisis in the future?




  1. Solar power

    Wind power

    Tesla Free Energy methods.

    My 2 cents.


    The main problem of the US is its short term views. All the rest can be easily solved.

    If you want to solve a problem you have to come up with a detailed plan. You can´t just wait and hope it will solve itself.

    Off course the market adjusts itself...   but the adjustments might sometimes be painful.

    It is better to create markets for solutions than suffer from problems affecting existing markets

  3. Get the ^&^%%$( liberals out of the way.

    They block EVERY effort for Clean and Cheap energy.

    Hydro-Electric plants, Nuclear plants, Drilling OUR own oil, refining our own oil, etc!

    the elitist libs want ALL of us rounded up to live in Projects (as they did the blacks) in Ghettos so they can have their caviar lifestyle and the Hamptons.

  4. The biggest problem is storing of energy.   petroleum has a real good energy per volume/weight  that is readily available, easily transportable.

    we need to find a cheap way of having a easily transportable means of storing energy upon demand.

  5. It's a problem of supply being too small for demand. We can try to increase supply, and this might work for a short while, but is inevitably postponing trouble.

    The better solution is to decrease demand. Long term the world needs to put a cap on population growth. In the medium term we can recognize that most oil is used for food production and transport. We need to eat but we don't need to drive. We can get rid of car-culture. Build a society that does not need them. Job shuffling will happen for awhile as people seek employment near where they live. Then we will all be better off without the four-wheeled plague.

  6. there are lots of energy ideas out there, but it all comes back to solar energy.  Free sustainable - available every day (tidal and wind also could help in certain areas)  if 10% of the mojave desert was used to trap solar energy, that could power the entire current electrical U.S. consumption need at todays usage rates. (averages 363-365 days a year of sun there)    The good news is that the southern part of the U.S. can put up their own solar systems and tap into the current grid.  The northern areas would need to have the mojave hooked up the grid - and it is do-able.  The cost of doing this gradually over a 10 year period would be less than the cost of current oil consumption costs in the U.S.

    Many areas in the southern U.S. could sustain solar electrical use and transportation by putting up solar panels on parking garages, businesses and homes due to higher solar energy availability.  

    The technology is here and getting better - oil will still be needed for plastics and synthetic products - but oil companies would lose as much as 90% of their production - and that's bad business - they'll fight to keep profits rolling in - lobby efforts are huge to maintain current energy status quo)

    The electric grid is already up - we just need to put solar cells in key locations to tap into the current grid and replace most vehicles with electric vehicles.  good luck finding an electric car today that's economical or a company that will make them - they appear to be the big target of Big oil right now.  That's one of the big hurdles getting electric cars out to the public. Solar usage for homes is already starting to make an impact and is the wave of the future.

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