
What are some of the positive traits of Leo born men?

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What are some of the positive traits of Leo born men?




  1. I'm a Leo but I don't like Leo men,I dunno why!

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  2. It's good to be on the receiving end of their largesse - like when they shell out for that extra bottle of wine at dinner, just to show off.

  3. Leo men are very confident and loyal, they tend to be also very egotistic and vain though. However, they are the life of parties and can brighten any room with their natural warmth and smile. They are very humorous and friendly yet since they are a fixed sign also very stubborn. Leo men are not to be argued against because although they may not like to show it if someone puts them down it hurts their ego and feelings very easily. They seek people who are just as attractive and bright as they are, so they tend to want to be with intelligent and highly motivated people who have goals and dreams as big as the Leo ego. I'm a Capricorn-Aquarius and so Leo is one of my opposite signs, from what I know they are wonderful people yet a little too into themselves sometimes.

  4. they dont have any positive traits. they're all negative traits no matter what anyone says.  

  5. Just like any sign they have negative and positive traits. Since you asked for Positive: Cheerful, generous, warm hearted, proud and enthusiastic. My boss is a Leo and even though he's difficult to work with at times, he's quite generous to me. =)

  6. Leos possess a strong positive nature and don't shrink from any adverse circumstances. Leos like to live on a grand scale. First class is the only way to go and luxury is comfort. In personal relationships, Leo is open, sincere, genuine, trusting and generous.

    They are direct and to the point and lead with their emotions. Leos are proud people, with an idealistic and humane nature. They are basically outgoing, happy, kind and generous. Self expressive, intelligent and broad minded, they are philosophically inclined.

    Main positive traits: Dignity, will-power, generosity, loyalty, confidence, ambitious.

    Generous and warmhearted

    Creative and enthusiastic

    Broad-minded and expansive

    Faithful and loving

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