
What are some of the qualities you look for in a great poem?

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How do most of the poem on Yahoo Answers compare with this standard? And if I may be so bold, what is the value of this forum?




  1. I prefer rhyme to free verse, so I look for great rhyme and meter. I don't like to read really long poems ... 24 lines is about my limit and I want it to hold my attention.

    Recently I have become a great fan of Jean Paul and Carl Sandburg. There is a poet on that I could read all day. His name is rakerman1 ... he also has a book that's available on Amazon. If you ever read his work that's exactly what I like.

    If it's free verse at all, it will be William Butler Yeats.

  2. Honesty...I dare not fabricate for the sake of exposure for this exposure is what I and many others fear. I want to see you in your words. Your guts smeared about will do just as well as a little glimpse into your soul. Just let it be the REAL you.

    Not for a moment do I think of myself as a writer. 7 years ago I screwed up and wrote down some words and have been in trouble with myself ever since. A little over a month ago I came on YA and have spilled my guts for all. They have praised, hazed, dazed and amazed me with comments that span from every type of soul I could imagine encountering.

    I have some regrets for doing this but the one thing that has been the most rewarding, is knowing that at the end of the day I have been honest with my words. That is all I ask of anyone to give when offering their words to me...HONESTY

    After all, they are just words.

  3. Any one who can express themselves through words, or verse, or rhyme.

    Put it into any category you wish,For some of us, Penning our words is an opening for release. For others enjoyment,and indeed for those like myself,the only way I know how to

    say the things I feel.

    It is indeed very sad that so many like yourself,

    are unable to comprehend where most of us are coming from, but in all honesty,

    Who Cares! We are here because we enjoy each other,what, may I ask is Your excuse?

  4. I look for a talent.

    Have not seen it yet among all this garbage that's being posted on here.

  5. Qualities I look for are: 1) good structured lines that show the author was at least attempting to use some techniques of the craft and not just finger painting. Not to say finger painting is bad--not at all; I encourage it for all before they start buying brushes and start trying to paint in between the lines. But I can't look at every beginners finger painting as if it were done by one of my children. 2) Vivid imagery 3) Sound--sometimes I don't even care what the poem says as long as it's musical. And by that I mean strictly a bunch of phonemes in a row that just sound cool.

    Most of the poems (over 50%) don't compare to that standard; they're like finger paintings. Thing is Y!A is like a fridgerator door.

    The value of this forum is that there is something for everybody. If you want to display your latest finger painting that you just had to do or else you would die--ask about it. If you want a serious critigue or need real help--ask, there are just as many qualified poets out there as not that give serious, informative answers when asked. Other than that--it's just fun, or just whatever neonman said.

  6. First, why are you here?  Then if you do not feel it worthwhile, move on or try to help improve.  But do it in a positive way.  Most of us here enjoy poetry, but keep our day jobs.  Serious critiques usually are only rendered when asked for and then you would still need to search out the really knowledgeable poets.  There are many published poets on this site, many others with advanced degrees and some just learning. Post more and join the fray.

  7. Spelling, definitely, message, connectivity, things of that nature. I desire to connect to poetry on a more visceral level than I do an academic one.

    Many of the poems on Y!A suit my standards exactly. They are real poems written by real people whom one can actually connect to and get to know, in the way of the virtual world.

    The value of this forum is to better art through encouragement, and also, to blow off some steam, to encourage and uplift, and maybe, edify yourself with something that you couldn't find in a text book.

    Real people, real poetry, Y! least for me. Interesting question, makes me ponder. Thank you.

  8. For me, a poem has to evoke some kind of emotion. This can also apply to light-hearted poems - e.g. humorous poems evoke cheer and laughter.

    Many poems on here don't "hit me" - these I pass on by - but occasionally I will be pleasantly surprised. My very favourites get a star ^^ haha. Sometimes I'm pleased to find one that resonates near-perfectly with my mood at the moment.

    This forum is a place for me to pass the time, wandering through the poems and discovering special gems of poetry. It's also the closest to troll-free I've found on Y!A. Plus i can get an honest opinion on some of my ramblings (I'm pretty realistic about their potential, trust me...) without either suffering from friends' over-positive-ness or revealing too much of my mind to them.

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