
What are some of the requirements for the draft?

by Guest65367  |  earlier

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Do only sons have to go? Do fathers have to go? Do women have to go? Is there an age limit?




  1. They will set the rules when they re-introduce it, if McCain wins

    They will make them as inclusive as possible

    A draft will reduce wars, Americans will care more

  2. First...there is no draft.  Hasn't been one for probably over 30 years.  All military service is voluntary.  Regarding the s*x... IF there were a draft, like there was decades ago, only men between the ages of 18 and 35 would go, and there would be methods by which one could request a deferment, i.e. not go.  IF the far-left liberals wish to push the "Equal Rights" philosophy, and IF the draft is reinstated (most like by far-left liberals), then women would HAVE to go, also.

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