
What are some of the solutions for reducing the impact that quarrying has on the countryside?

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What are some of the solutions for reducing the impact that quarrying has on the countryside?




  1. I think quarrying is too small a problem to worry much about. Not compared to strip mining of coal anyway.

  2. Of all the digging animals, mankind is the most efficient using today all manners of machinery and  blasting powders. We  can't stop.  Actually, I think  these big quarrying holes are great  tourist attractions. Especially the Grand Canyon.  Agreed these big digs have an impact on the countryside, but it's not all negative.

  3. First of all, strip minig IS quarrying.  And second, the Grand Canyon was formed naturally, by the colorado river.

    As for the actual question, it is a big problem.  What is in place now, is a program that takes the mine sites, and "reclaims them" such that the sites are nearly unnoticable.  The process involves regrading the land, and planting grasses and trees to "cover over" where the quarry was.  It is required for all active mines, and is slowly being done to older mine sites.

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