
What are some of the top surfboards out there?

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What are some of the top surfboards out there?




  1. well this year, bert berger with firewire won shaper of the year using his balsa-rail-dual-stringer design.  i got to try one of those that a shop let me test but unfortunately conditions weren't that great at the time.  last year shaper of the year was stretch reidel, right here in the greater bay area.  ive ridden a 5.10 quad bat-tail, and it was amazing.

    nowadays it seems like everyone has a lost mayhem (matt biolos) and a JS in their quiver, wheras five years ago everyone had a Surf Rx and a Jon Carper.  Al Merrick also makes absolutely top teir boards too, look at what Kelly Slater rides...

    Those are pretty much my favorites.  I have a sharpeye and byrne too, but they fall lower on the list of likes.  the sharpeye is a sweet board actually, but i dont really like the byrne.

  2. Support your local shaper.  You can often talk directly to a local shaper to have him shape you something that suits your needs.  You can often save $100 or more off the price of a board you'd pay for off the shelf.  Any big name shaper you can find by checking out the rack at your local surf shop.

  3. It depends on your ability, for beginners try Bic mini mals, I've still got a 7'8" mal cuz you can catch pretty much any size on it. If you want something better Lost make some sweet sticks. The only limitations are your ability and your wallet. Try your local shaper if funds allow it.

  4. I only surfed Hawaiian boards.


    Hawaiian Island Creation

    Progressive Expression

    Da original surfas!

  5. I'm about 200 pounds and I'm riding a Lost carbon fiber performance rounded nose fish (5'10).  It is hollow and has two independent flex patterns (  You can also try epoxy boards from Surf Tech (  Firewire technology is getting a lot of play as well.  EPS is a combination of epoxy resin and standard foam.  Then boards from shapers such as Al Merrick, Timmy Patterson, Chris Christenson, Xanadu, Rusty.  Also check out Solomon S-Core boards which are a combination of hollow/carbon fiber.

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