
What are some of the traditional music styles from Mexico City?

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What are some of the traditional music styles from Mexico City?




  1. Well Chilangos are famous to listen to various tunes, since is the melting pot of all Mexico, when it comes arround folklore music they listen to

    Mariachi, Trio Balads, Son Jarocho, Huapango, Norteño, Banda,Marimba,  Danzón, Corridos,

    Now although is from the 1940´s and the main artist for this style of music was Cuban, Mambo, had an explotion in Mex City like no other city in Latin America, that Cuban man, Perez Prado, and his rithym is an icon of Chilango culture.

    Now other rithyms that are not mexican but consider by other Mexicans, outside Mexico City,  as very Chilango is Salsa, Another cuban style of music that Chilangos  luv.

    Note.- Chilango=  Mexican knickname for those who live at Mexico´s Capital,  Mexico City.

  2. hmmmm...polka music is what they listen to in mexico

  3. Bubba is exactly right. He took the words out of my mouth.

  4. Bubba got it right lol

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