
What are some of the ups and downs of being a nurse?

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I am planning on becoming a RN in the future and am just wondering what are the ups and downs? How stressfull is it to be a nurse? What are some good areas of the nursing field i can work in?




  1. I am in nursing school right now- have 9 months to go.  From what I have seen I want to be a surgical nurse- knock em out when you get them, and they are barely awake when they leave :)

    No, I think the biggest thing to concern yourself with is what hours do you want to work, which area you like the best, and what your future goals are.  I think the best piece of advice I have received is to work med/surg for a year after school is done- it will give you the background and confidence to go and do any type of nursing.  Good luck- nursing school is a pain in the @@@!!!

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