
What are some of the upsides to energy drinks?

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I hear a lot about them being harmful, but what are some of the positive aspects?




  1. I don't see an upside, they come in a single use container and are full of nonfood chemicals. Some have natural herbs in them which can have adverse reactions with many medications. If you need a little boost, try getting a good night sleep, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Still need a little something try Yerba buena tea.

  2. absolutely none. well maybe for the health care system, which would get more money. they have too much guarana and caffeine. something that does work is 5 hr. energy (from what i have heard), although it isn't much better. eat an abundance of natural foods to get the daily energy you need.

  3. Your dentist gets richer faster, because all that sugar will help your teeth to rot far as I have read, there are NO positive aspects of the drinks...sometimes the chemicals (even if they are naturally-occurring, they are chemicals) are in too high of a dose for kids/teens and can make their hearts race in some instances.

    Try jumping jacks if you want to have some energy!

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