
What are some of the uses of metals based on their properties?

by Guest64872  |  earlier

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What are some of the uses of metals based on their properties?




  1. Metals are malleable, ductile, have luster, and are conductive.

    Being malleable means it can be hammered into thin sheets without breaking, and so think of aluminum foil.

    Being ductile means it can be stretched or drawn into strips. Wire is an example. It's not brittle and so can do it without breaking

    It's shiny. Think of all the uses for that. Jewelry, etc.

    It's conductive. It passes heat and electricity easily. You can probably easily figure out examples for those

  2. Gold is a metal that is malleable (easy to shape), yet strong and beautiful (shiny).  These properties make it a good metal for jewelry.

    Mercury stays liquid even a low temperatures. This property makes it good to use in thermometers.

    Iron replaced bronze because it is a stronger metal.


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