
What are some of the ways to be environmental?

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okay I did the entering for the environmental act and now I want to know what do you really do in it?




  1. Buy those squiggly light bulbs.

  2. Go deer hunting in PA, you think I'm joking?  Firstly, the deer population is out of control and causes an imbalince in the echo system.  Secondly, the money used from liscneces and deer tags is what keeps wildlife preservations and programs alive.

  3. cut down water, energy, gas use. ride a bike, take public transportation, or carpool wherever you need to go. dont use fertilizers etc....

  4. The environment or Global Warming is a lie and pushing us to depression. Look at those that are making big money .

  5. drive less

    use less things

    buy less

    compost your veggies and fruit

    use a mesh grocery bag for every purchase

    heat less, cool less

    borrow library books

  6. take your own reusable bags when you go food shopping.

  7. You sit in trees and refuse to come down until you need to dump the pee bucket.

    On weekends you burn down businesses and housing developments in the name of the environment.

    Thursdays are reserved for breath holding practice as not having a job or future limits your ability to contribute to whipping  global warming.

    Did I mention a cork up the backside is mandatory for your probationary period. That methane gas you produce is a multiplying factor and will cause the death of countless polar bears and interrupt their population doubling every 10 years.

  8. Stop using plastic bags n buy the reusable one that stores now offer. Switch off lights when not needed, resuse the back of draft papers as scrap paper rather than new sheets.

  9. Never heard of it. Explain yourself.

  10. conserve water

  11. recycle, never litter, and save electicity. thats what i do!!!

  12. Take all your food waste products and put them into a compost.  You can add shredded paper to it as well.  That gives you fertilizer for your plants so you don't have to buy commercial fertilizer, and the energy to get rid of trash isn't used as much.

    change all your light bulbs to the coiled flourescent bulbs.

    That's 2 things you can do.


  13. hug a tree, ride a bike

    take a walk, take a hike

    kiss a squirrel, don't cut your grass

  14. • When you leave a room, turn off electrical devices you are not using.

    •  Recycle plastic bags, after grocery shopping. Or buy reusable bags shopping centers now sell.

    • If you drink sodas or canned drinks, recycle them too!

    • Try to turn off your faucet when you are not using it whilst brushing your teeth.

    • Take shorter showers, maybe 5 minutes tops.

    • Ride a bike, walk, or carpool

    These are only a few things we can do to help our planet :-)

  15. yes. never heard of the act you speak of. explain please...

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