
What are some of the youth risk factors that affect cardiovascular fitness in adulthood?

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  1. Guest44821

    Why do people who think eagle rank is r******d even reply?

  2. Laura Thompson

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  6. There are eight. Smoking, obesity, lack of excercise, drug use, healthy diet, heredity, poor dental hygiene, high cholesterol. hope this helps you

  7. Ok if you get your eagle at a young age your not a r****d, and it dosent mean you dont have a life. it means your a hard worker. i know a couple of people who got there's at 13, and there all cool. there not nerds who can only fit in at scout camp. so those of you saying there retarted and dont have a life, just shut up and stop trying to be cool by making fun of hardworking people.

  8. Ok guys i am an awesome person and I was cirous on the perosal fitness merit badge I want to get it done but i dont know the answer to the youth risks factors the affect cardiovasciclury fitnnes in adult hodd..... plzzzzzzzzzz help me i am 17 in half and i need this merit badg








    Thankss AND SERIOSUUIY GUEST 4608556 maybe google cant help us so were trying to figure it out u well get raped

  9.  smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, drug use, diet, heredity, poor dental hygiene

  10. i think u all suck just cuz u do so go suck somewere else and leave this website alone wow am i still talking im not usaully a talker but owell

  11. i just turned thirteen last month and i just got life and need 4 moar merit badges to get eagle. Personal Fitness is one of them. Thanks to the people who gave good answers and for the people who didnt, tthy dont undertand how good a eagle scout merit badge looks on college applications and resumes.

  12. If a 13 yearold has their eagle, their not retarded, they just have no life.
    yall are all dumbassas

  13. Im sorry that I dont have an answer but as a life scout close to eagle at thirteen i can personally atest that my troop is not retarded... My scoutmasters are amazing... so all of you saying peoples troop that allow you to get eagle by whenever are right... all troops that restrict are the ones that are wrong, i have the maturity to get eagle.  I understand that you want to make sure  they have the maturity but you need to understand the others perspectives and not voice harshly at them... you can debate that is not a good idea but DO NOT CALL ANY OTHER TROOP RETARDED!!!!  you can grumble and groan at my rreasponse... because you know Im right in this case... AND I find it disturbing that you would call anyone retarded because one of the points of the scout law is Courtesy another is Kindness, and by calling someone retarded is voiding that promise so you need to de-rank all of yourselves back to scout and start over... and try to be nice this time.
    Yours Truly.
    Life Scout

  14. lol this is hilarious. thx to the ppl that actually gave the answer. and lol at the ppl saying "do the work yourself..." honestly it's a matter of copying from the book....or copying it from here....there's no difference. and it's not hard to get eagle at 13 (i haven't, but theoretically if you worked really hard (1st class in a year, 10 mos. for star +life, 14 mos. for eagle, that's actually a very lenient time frame...))

  15. We can become eagle whenever we are past life
    i am 14 and i am an eagle scout

  16. i dont see why everyone is freaking out about this. im a boyscout. i am fourteen and im pretty close to life. my troop doesnt let you become an eagle until you are "mature" enough. which is about 16 or 17 years old. are you guys going to criticize my troop?

  17. and according to the mertit badge book, you are incorrect Guest19737162!!!!

  18. i am already a star scout and it is my second year of scouting. so stop sayin people like me are retarded Guest19737162!!!!

  19. whats wrong with swaring? i go to philmont and boy scout camp and all i see is stupid nerds walking around trying to be cool, knowing that bs camp is the only place they can fit in. Im fifteen and im only in it so i can get eagle so my dad can get me a car. im not going to, but i wish i could cuss all of you out right now. LIKE THIS COMMENT IF YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY NORMAL BOY SCOUT IN THE WORLD!

  20. whoever gets their eagle scout by 13 is in a retarded troop and is a r****d themselves and they obviously dont deserve it cuz their cheating on their personal fitness merit badge and i understand that this is a runon sentence, but my answers are:
    Bad dietary habits
    Lack of exercise
    drug use
    hereditary disorders
    high cholestrol
    and use of GHB to seduce a 12 year old girl

  21. whoever gets their eagle scout by 13 is in a retarded troop and is a r****d themselves and they obviously dont deserve it cuz their cheating on their personal fitness merit badge and i understand that this is a runon sentence, but my answers are:
    Bad dietary habits
    Lack of exercise
    drug use
    hereditary disorders
    high cholestrol
    and use of GHB to seduce a 12 year old girl

  22. whoever gets their eagle scout by 13 is in a retarded troop and is a r****d themselves and they obviously dont deserve it cuz their cheating on their personal fitness merit badge and i understand that this is a runon sentence, but my answers are:
    Bad dietary habits
    Lack of exercise
    drug use
    hereditary disorders
    high cholestrol
    and use of GHB to seduce a 12 year old girl

  23. whoever gets their eagle scout by 13 is in a retarded troop and is a r****d themselves and they obviously dont deserve it cuz their cheating on their personal fitness merit badge and i understand that this is a runon sentence, but my answers are:
    Bad dietary habits
    Lack of exercise
    drug use
    hereditary disorders
    high cholestrol
    and use of GHB to seduce a 12 year old girl

  24. Just an observation, people really need to use proper grammar when posting on these sites.  That's right sites, not sights...  Your an embarassment to couting...  Exersizing habits... You'll all burn in he'll...  I mean come on.

  25. pg.23 has anscers

    -High blood pressure
    -Lack of Exercise
    -Family history of heart disease

  26. oh my gosh! THANK YOU SO MUCH, especially to you, Guest16732912.
    And those of you being such crabs and cussing, STOP. geez. You were given enough time to get your eagle, as long as you try! geeeez...
    I would know cause I am 12 years old and I'm already a Life Scout, hoping to get Eagle before MY NEXT BIRTHDAY. So quit whining, and leave us alone.

    Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  27. oh my gosh! THANK YOU SO MUCH, especially to you, Guest16732912.
    And those of you being such crabs and cussing, STOP. geez. You were given enough time to get your eagle, as long as you try! geeeez...
    I would know cause I am 12 years old and I'm already a Life Scout, hoping to get Eagle before MY NEXT BIRTHDAY. So quit whining, and leave us alone.

    Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  28. Thanks for this question. it helped me out, im 13 almost 14 going for eagle and im star

  29. It is possible to get your eagle at 14. My brother got his at 13. Im now 13 and going for my life so thank you for the list below. READ NOTHING BUT THE LIST

  30. Thank you to everyone who was willing to help by giving helpful responses, i am 14 and working on my eagle project. yes its possible. for the rest of you who just swear, get a life

  31. Nobody read any comments below except for the list.
    Good luck and thx guy who put the list on here.

  32. Jeez, people get a grip (not the ones who have given advice or told the truth like real scouts).  Like the director dude said, just help the guy out.  And u who havent earned Eagle yet and uve almost aged out, u got no one to blame but urself.  EARNING means u have 2 work, not lie around at Troop Meetings and not listen.  I've worked hard and I'm almost Eagle and I still have 5 years left.  u just hav 2 work and u'll get it

    Use ur common sense ppl

  33. I think that its really sad that everyone has a fit on this site. If you dont like Boyscouts then don't join or quit. If you dont like it because of other reasons then just dont occupy yourself with it. Get a life and do something else that doesnt have to do with boyscouts.

    Thank you for the helpful answers. Everyone else that has a problem needs to grow up. And if you are an "adult" its time to mature alittle. ;D

  34. I can tell that most of you Christians. I'll be praying for you. I'm fourteen, looking for help for a Merit Badge and the best you people can do is swear...thanks a heap. I won't be coming back to this sight so it won't do any good to cuss at me if you read this. Watch out people, you cannot block prayer! God bless!

  35. what the f**k is with you people you don't have to tell people to go to h**l gust because YOU cant think of a idea or you think it is dum you f*****g a******s

  36. Straight from the Personal Fitness Merit Badge book:
    1. Obesity
    2. s*x ( Males are at a higher risk)
    3. High Blood Pressure
    4. High blood cholesterol
    5. Diabetes
    6. Smoking
    7. Lack of Exercise
    8. Family History of heart disease

  37. f**k all of u people all of u burn in he'll.
    Iam going to find u all!!!!!!!
    I have fucken had it with the BSA and I am not
    goining to take any of this bullshit any more!!!!
    Fick u all
    and burn in h**l
    I could really of used a lot of help but it's too late
    because I turn 18 in one week and I cannot do
    an entire eagle project in one week now can I!
    If any body gives a fling f**k feel free to email
    me some eagle project ideas that would be fucken
    fantastic!  Email- thankyou

  38. f**k you all I am tring to go for my eagle and iam not going to be able to get it because of all you people.
    I age out in one more year and I am not even a life scout yet!
    Do a good turn every fucken day!
    AND KISS MY a*s!!!!!!!!!!
    f**k you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. s***w you guys, scouts is g*y. i hate it, my dad makes me do it for my license. why can't you just be helpful people and help us out

  40. Wow, thats funny. Isn't he going to find the information listed somewhere else if not here? Why not give it willingly? Even if you don't get the answer straight out of someone's mouth a book or site will eventually say "The factors are:..."

  41. I am a boy scout camp director in Pennsylvania and I can't believe what I'm reading. I believe that a question such as this from a young scout who is trying to learn is a chance for all of you to really shine. "Do a good turn daily". I'm not saying to just flat out give him the answer but at least try to give him some tips or links so that he can find the answer himself. How does it help him if you just say, go find it youself or , you should be ashamed to be a scout if he doesnt know the answer. Guest11950248 thank you, I like your least one of us has a brain

  42. guest4608556 go to h**l how dare you call yoursel a scout, your an embaresment to scouting.

  43. guest4608556 go to h**l how dare you call yoursel a scout, your an embaresment to couting.

  44. *Not learning good eating habits *Not learning exersizing habits *Smoking *Drug use *Not learning adequate coping skills

  45. Could you just say 7 friggen' answers and stop bickering like 6 year-olds? Holy c**p people.

  46. Um, not only the asker will come to this question for answers, but other people, such as myself, who doesn't have the merit badge pamphlets, will be directed to questions such as this one. I also think it is inconsiderate, to respond to the question, saying things such as: "do it yourself," or "Don't come to me to seek guidance, consult your own troop," because it can be heard to the asker as: "I'm not going to tell you, because I don't want to tell you (or I am too lazy to give you the answer. Go find it yourself.)" Please try to show respect and consideration for others by not withholding your information from the ones who need it most.


  47. Are you serrious Guest4608556?  This is for the boys and you should be willing to help any merit badge councilor who asks for it.  You are helping the boys when you part with your knowledge of these subjects.  If one boy does not make Eagle because of people like you... Then people like you have missed the entire point of scouting all together.

  48. Some of us can't afford every merit badge book.

  49. Page 23 of the personal fitness merit badge book has the answers

  50. The risk factors are formation of early bad dietary habits, not forming the habit of daily vigorous exercise, smoking, drug use, and not learning adequate coping skills.

  51. Do you merit badge work by yourself!

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This question has 51 answers.


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