
What are some of you community, country and world issues our class and generation will face in the future?

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What are some of you community, country and world issues our class and generation will face in the future?




  1. 1.) gas prices

    2.) recession

    3.) global warming

    4.) immigration issues

    5.) fear of terrorism

  2. Pffftt. some of these things forementions are nothing more than what we might see, and some are just hysteria.

    What i'd like to see addressed is;

    1. The biased media get straightened out, tell us the truth, not your rating opinionated twist. Give us all the facts, stop leaving the pertenant information out and let us truely hear the truth.

    2. Eliminating the marxist, socialist and liberal infection of our educational institutes. We aren't "teaching" our children and future generations as much as they are indoctrinating them on how to think. It is only later on in life, if they are truely smart that they figure out they have been misled and misguided all because of some self righteous professor and his lacking eductions himself...or herself.

    3. Deal with the real posiblity that if we are headed for a one world order, that if we are going to have to cooperate and get along with the world, that we will eventually have to go back to discrimination...since you can't vary well invite terrorists to the space station or to a moon colony. Congress was whacked when they claimed that profiling was wrong, because I haven't seen a jew fly an airplane into a building, or a Christian suicide bomber yet....but who know's..maybe things will change.

    4. We need to weed out the corrupt career politicians so that they once again go back to doing their jobs and represent the people that are Citizens. Not illegals, special interests or worried more about reelection than performing the duties they vowed to do when they took office.

    5. We need to stem the tide of the unpatriotic that abuse their freedoms and right to speech instead of use it as it was intended, to constructively bring about change or make their voices heard to the political process. We don't need people like Code Pink. No one said they had to love or support the war, but to run around the medical facilities of our war veterans claiming free speech to pinge on them, their families and their moral ? These are the hero's that keep America free. They are brave enough to sacrifice for little pay to put themselves in harms way and this petty and immature childishmess is what Code Pink displays ? And they are only one of many groups that do so. Free speech is for those that have something to say, not some petty morons that want to whine and cry because they are powerless, useless and didn't get their way.

  3. They have to face the shortage of food, fuel, and fresh air

  4. Good question! Maybe quite a few problems. Even if they decreased, other new problems would come out.

  5. The lack of clean drinking water.

  6. Pardon me if I sound like an optimist, but I think that we will solve many problems into order to make our lives easier. Technology has always provided solutions to problems that seemed impossible to solve. How many American pioneers could have envisioned that crossing the country could take no longer than six hours when it took them many months of hardship ? The telephone, TV, and internet made our lives easier.

    Of course their will be obstacles, but we will solve them. I wish people could stop being so pessimistic and turn to optimism. We are a great country, live in a great time in history, and with our positive energies, into solving these problems, we will prevail.

  7. No oil.

  8. Global climate change.  Learning to live sustainably so that the effects of human-induced climate change will subside and eventually become tolerable.

    Hand in hand with this issue is the development of renewable energy sources, and our ability to diversify to offset any problems associated with the use or overreliance of any particular energy source.

    Water shortages

    Habitat loss and degradation, combined with the prolifation of non-native species, reducing biological diversity, which can affect our own survival since we rely on ecological services so greatly in our lives.

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