
What are some of your best workplace memories??

by  |  earlier

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Everyone has some fond memories of work, the little gems that keep us going on those days when we would rather be doing something else. This a legitimate managerial question, not chatting in anyway.




  1. When I graduated high school my co-workers had a little surprise party for me in the staff room. It was only a few minutes long and there was only some cake, ice cream, and potato chips. But it was all for me and it was really great!! ah good times

  2. At my office, my co-worker would sometimes push me around in my chair like it was a wheelchair. That was fun.

  3. It has been a good career, lots of things, but one of my early ones may seem strange.

    At about 25 MPH on jointed rail, 6 axle locomotives set up the most interesting cadence.

    clicktyclack clicktyclack clicktyclack

    going through Jefferson Canyon, I would always open the window so the sound would echo back to me off the rock cliffs, even in winter.

    It seemed to be saying letsgohome letsgohome letsgohome

    When I started railroading, I got to work with my Dad a bit before he retired, he noticed I cracked the window through the canyon and he said he used to do the same thing on steam engines, the exhaust off the cylinders would be saying letsgofishing letsgofishing letsgofishing

    (when the darn thing starts talking to you, maybe you've been out there too long)

    Another one: waaay back, I was new and nervous as heck, trying to do my best. I brought in a train with a notoriously grumpy old rear brakeman on the caboose, he never said much good to anyone, the outbound got on, pulled the crummy up and changed out the rear crew, the old rear brakey walked in the deopt and said "good ride kid". That was all, that was enough.

  4. I do daycare and there is nothing sweeter than having the toddlers that are just learning how to walk work so hard to get to you and then practically land in your lap when they get there....I have one little boy who does just that and it doesn't matter where I'm at in my house he will look for me and those last few steps are just a few too many to make it...He always gives a little sigh and a big hug every time I catch him...I love my job  

  5. Oh man! Rango they have talked to me too.Do you think we could put in for disability? Hmmm probably not.Well it's nice to be respected by your peers for being good at what you do.About 10 years ago i was on a train with a friend and he told me..Andy they were talking about you at the depot the other day.I thought ut oh and was racking my brain trying to figure out what i had done and what kind of nickname it was going to get me.He told me there was a bunch of guys that got to talking about who they thought were the best engineers on the East line where i work.He told me that it was decided that i was in the top 3 engineers as far as train handling.Considering that we have some fine engineers on the line i work it made me feel proud to be counted among the best.I never did get a pay raise for that though!

  6. my fav....I'm a garage owner and one of my older mechanics...Kenny ( he only worked on cars from my car lot ...and would do any repairs they needed before they were sold)...he would take a car apart and leave bolts and parts on the floor... now this was not done at my bolts or parts on the floor...but kenny always bucked the system and he was a bit of a at night when we were closed i would add  to ...or remove from those bolts ...i added big long bolts to his bolt piles or take long ones and replace them with short ones...kenny would spend hours trying to figure out where these bolts fit  and he never could because they didn't fit that vehicle....i would keep yelling at him "kenny are you done with that job yet?   we would all laugh and have a great time...i have been in the biz over 35 years now but i will never forget kenny and those bolts...I'm smiling right now just relaying it to you a very happy memory for me

  7. for the first time we get the salary of our work

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