
What are some of your funny hamster stories?

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Like wht are some of its habits or what is a unique thing it does? my hamster goes in her house and stuffs the holes with bedding so we cant watch her sleep XD




  1. One of my past dwarf hamsters, Coca, escaped his cage one time. I was searching for him in my room and I had a huge pile of stuffed animals, so I had to dig through it and all that. Then, just when I began to lost hope, I thought I would check the bathroom (even though I doubted that he would be there) and guess what? I actually found him, curled up and sleeping, next to the toilet on the ground! He was a very lucky hamster because we had cats and dogs in the house! I lightly touched him and he woke up, and I put him back in his cage.

  2. Yeah thats the same with mine!

    Mine also would go down to his bowl and stuff his pouches, leave the food in the bed, go back down and stuff his pouches, leave the food in his bed, etc etc!

    It's funny when your cleaning his bed because youve just got these big moungs of food in it.

    Also we put our hamster out on a blanket and he makes tunnels out of it so he can run through them!

  3. my stupid friend stuck his finger in the cage then it friend was like OWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!,IT BIT ME.then he stuck his finger in the cage again and it bit the c**p out of him

  4. My precious Syrian escaped from his carry box on the way home from the pet store in the car.  It took an hour or more to finally catch him.  He crawled into the center console of my car.  I never thought I would get him out.  I was scared to death then and almost in tears.  It's only now that I can actually laugh about it!  

    In the end, he was brought home and settled into his new home.  He was named Trouble after that.  It seemed fitting!

  5. my hampster hammy got out once and when i found him he looked at me like i was crazy i looked behind him and he made a nest out of my carpet ,he ripedit up and made a nest

  6. My hammie's (dolce)  cage is right beside the tv so sometimes at night and when she is in her exersize ball she watches tv!!!,


  7. well my hammie (my old hammie) accidentally escaped one day and just when i was about to give up in finding her i opened the closet door and there she was sleeping in my sisters riped up halloween bag(my hammie riped it up) and living off of last years stale halloween potato chips it was hilarious and the funniest thing was my sister never forgave my hammie for ripping up her fav. halloween bag, lol!!!

  8. i was eating a bag of chips and i had my hamster on my bed. i turned around for 5 seconds and she was gone. i was really worired so i put the chips away and about 20 minutes later my mom got scared because she herd a squeaking noise in the cuboard. my dad found my hamster in the bag of chips!

  9. My hamster is named Simba and when ever he sleeps he sleeps in the weirds positions , OMG =3 xD!!!!! He has like a climbing slide and theres like a little corner at the top were u can see his eyes closed and a stash of food, LOL. Sometimes he sleeps on his back with his little arms close to him and also at the beginning i first got him he would sleep in side his tube, which is ververtically to down, not side to side, do u know wat i mean, but it was awsawesome

  10. i had a hamster named alex. alex LOVED and i mean LOVED to watch my mom pee. hahaha. and my mom is terrified of all animals. so whenever she irked me, i'd let alex loose and he'd run to go wait in the bathroom for her to pee. and i'd go downstairs like "dad, alex must've gotten out." and i hear "AMANDA!" and i'm like "...i guess mom found him." so i run upstairs and sure enough, alex was watching her pee. i pick him up and wave my finger and say softly "no. bad alex. bad." and as i walk out of the bathroom i whisper "good boy alex." and sneak him a sunflower seed. i did that so many times! hahahaha.

  11. well i dont have a hamster but i do have a hairless rat, and she will only sleep in her house if it is hanging upsidedown on her cage... and if u leave like a candy wrapper or something by the cage she will grab it and put it all in her house......  no matter wat we do she always escapes from her cage.... and she loves TACO BELL... lol

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