
What are some opinions of Teach for America?

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I'm a senior in college and I want to be a teacher, I am considering the possibilities and one of them is Teach for America. I've heard good and bad things about it and want to know what it was actually like from people who complete the program. I don't give up at anything I do, I've only quit one job and that was because I had an exponentially better offer. So do you think it is right for me?




  1. I've taught for 10 years in a school district that is 90% Hispanic and 85% Socieo-economically challenged. I have learned so much, I have been so challenged professionally to improve and give the best education possible. I wouldn't teach anywhere else. My kids have parents in jail, siblings in gangs and drug addicts for parents. But every year I am amazed what my students achieve ( yes we made or AYP) and I see hope for the future when I see what they can overcome.....

  2. TFA is the best thing i've ever done. It has it's moments when i hated it and wanted to quit but like you i don't give up. It's really challenging and life changing. I've been teaching in the same placement region now for five years... totally worth it.

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