
What are some original special ideas for my sisters eighteenth birthday?

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It's my elder sister's eighteenth in september. (I know it's a long way away but I always like to be prepared). I'm two years younger than her. She's a great sis but lately we haven't been too close and we've been arguing alot, and I just want to show her that I appreciate her and give her some great presents on her birthday.

I can't think of anything original. I don't want to give her money/cds/etc. Anyone else got some good ideas?

Ask any questions if that'll help (:




  1. You could buy a poster board and list in different colored markers all the things she'll be able to do now that she's 18...Like vote, go to 18 and over clubs, go to prison, get better jobs, go to R rated movies, get a tattoo, etc

  2. thats a tough one, not knowing your sister and all. but if you get her something not original but still sincere and she likes it thats good too. h**l. my brother gave me a dollar bill and said "don't spend it all in one place" for my 18th

  3. How about a scrapbook with pictures of her, you, the rest of your family, and her friends?  You could personalize it and she will be able to have it when she's at college and homesick :o)

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